Todolist question filter question


I am using todolist , i have a Todolist for every tiddler , so in my template i have the below

<<interstitial-ui caption:"" width:"" base:"$(currentTiddler)$">>

This gives me a new unique Todlist that i can use to store notes for any particular Tiddler

is there away to display the notes that belong to a Tiddler Other than the current Tiddler?

what i want to do is have one central Tiddler (notes tiddler)where i can store all my notes , and display them in which ever tiddler i need using a custom field

so if i have TiddlerA and TiddlerB

If TiddlerA has a custom field called notesfield with value “TiddlerB” , then i would see the notes for TiddlerB , where i can view and edit the notes

i guess what i am trying to say is that i dont want todolist to default to the current tiddler for viewing a todloist , i want to controll that using a field

is that possible ?

hope that makes sense


i think i know what my problem is , how do i replace this bit "$(currentTiddler)$", with something that refrences a customer field ,what is the syntax to use ,"${{!!fieldx}}"$ does not work

As you can see from the manual (
The important input parameter is base!

<<todolist-ui caption:"" width:"" base:"">>

So, if you use base:“myTid” it uses


for storing different pieces of information.

You can call todolist for any base in any tiddler! Only note to use the correct base!

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thank you mohammad,

and for the base input parameter , can it be replaced with a dynamic value ? because i want to use a field value , and not a static one

and for the base input parameter , can it be replaced with a dynamic value ? because i want to use a field value , and not a static one

Yes, you can. In TW 5.3.5 I use format like below

<$transclude $variable="todolist-ui" caption="some text" width="" base=... />

Example for dynamic values:

base=<<currentTiddler>> ← the base is the title of currentTiddler
base={{{ [<currendTiddler>addsuffix[-notes]] }}} ← get basename from a filter
base={{$:/config/mybase}} ← this tiddler, keeps the basename in the text field

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Thank you very much, this worked