Todolist Plugin - get the base from a field

Hi TW Friends and Experts,

I am testing the Todolist Plugin from @Mohammad and struggeling with an improvement.
The task is to get the base from the field named ToDoBase in the tiddler.

I tried this but I failed
<<todolist-ui caption:"" width:"" base:<<currentTiddler]get[ToDoBase]>>

Maybe only a minor error in the expression but I don’t see it :cold_sweat:

Thy in advance for help

I don’t know that plugin, but try

<<todolist-ui caption:"" width:"" base:{{!!ToDoBase}}>>

Sorry, but this is not working as expected.

The base is not the name of tiddler. It is used to create a tiddler title prefix and then few tiddlers are created based on that!
So, it wont accept a field to keep the data!
A todo list has several position of data and several tiddler are created at the background.

Open $:/ControlPanel → Settings tab → Todolist Internals and see the data tiddlers.

Tutorial explain this in more details.

Hi @Mohammad,

I know the system and read it carefully.
Why I want to use a field entry is due to the fact that I want to use the same list of to do’s in different tiddlers.

I have Tiddlers sorted by topics and the topics are given in a field (in my usecase it is named ToC).
If I want to add or modify a to do it is necessary to have the overview of all ToDo’s in this topic and to modify them.

This is the cause why I want to get the baseinformation from a field.


I found the solution in another Thread:

<$transclude $variable="todolist-ui" caption={{!!ToDoBase}} width="" base={{!!ToDoBase}} />

Hi Stefan,
To have the same list of ot todos in different places use the same basename! So,

<<todolist-ui caption:"" width:"" base:"mytodos>>

can be called in different places or even called from a viewTemplate and it will show the same list!