TODO list with items for different tiddlers

I have the standard local Tiddlywiki 5.2.2. I found Kookma’s Todolist and I think it’s nice. However I use TW to keep track of 20+ projects I’m working on, and I need a different todo list for each project/Tiddler. I have a different tiddler for each job, like “Job 1”. Kookma’s uses a global todo list, so where ever I put his code, all todo items are displayed here.

This is nice for a master todo list but not so good for a todo list to show only todo items in the current tiddler.

  • Is there another todo list thing that does what I’m looking for?
  • How about a todo list where I can list my notes for each task with more freeform text?
  • Is there something simple I’m missing where I don’t need a plugin?

Thank you!

check the projectify plugin; it can handle projects, each of them being a different list of TODOs; you can also have subprojects, etc.


I do not think so! Todolist can handle different projects! It very flexible. It allows you to have different Todos even in the same tiddler.

Look at Tutorial, open Todolist-ui macro and note the macro input parameter: base.:

base | optional | a name space used for creating different todolist. It is actually used in naming the data tiddlers internally used for todo lists. The default value is base .

Next look at the Multiple todo lists or directly open Multiple Todo List

If you like to have separate tiddler and in each one a todolist, simply enter the below code

<$macrocall $name=todolist-ui base=<<currentTiddler>> caption="what ever you like"/>
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Thanks Mohammed! Your todo list is really handy and I got it to work!

For others, here’s what you enter.

<<todolist-ui caption:"mycaption" width:"" base:"ChangeThisForEachTodoList">>

After you enter that and exit Tiddlywiki edit mode you will see a blank line to enter your Todolist items. You will see this:

You change the base variable to have different Todo lists. Now I can have a different Todo list for many different projects.

@Mohammad since the base is in double quotes can I assume we can use spaces in the base variable contents? Can we do this?

<<todolist-ui caption:"mycaption" width:"" base:"My project 1 for Jim">>

Yes that looks ok but in my test I changed the base so I lost my todo list items. Just be careful with that.

@Mohammad Can we get an option to make the caption in bold? That would make the list stand out.

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Yes, changing base, means you started using new name space! BUT the old one is there and is not deleted! So if you again call Todolist with same previous base you have Todolist recovered!

Open $:/ControlPanel → Settings /Todolist Internales
Or directly open $:/plugins/kookma/todolist/settings/internals

You see all your namespaces.

You have it. Example

<<todolist-ui caption:"@@color:red; I am in red color@@" width:"" base:"ChangeThisForEachTodoList">>


<<todolist-ui caption:"''This is BOLD Caption''" width:"" base:"ChangeThisForEachTodoList">>
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Fantastic! You’re brilliant! Thank you very much. :grinning:

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