To do list question (draggable)

I just want to know if anyone has created a table with a draggable to do list where when one can drag a link or a tag pill from the “to do” table cell to the “done” table cell. In other words, the “done” cell would have a drop zone to receive to do lists.

I know how to do this with check boxes. I just thought it would be cool to drag tasks to a new area when they are done. But since I haven’t kept up always on the productivity posts here, maybe someone has already done this.

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@DaveGifford I have played with this and it can be as simple as a three cell table containing seperate dragable lists but extended to move items such as remove from source column.

There are tiddlywiki kanban in “dropboard” and trello solutions that effectivly do this.

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Hey yeah, kanban/trello tolls for TW should be hackable for this. I will give it a look. Thanks!

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