Tips in Tiddler Edit Mode

I have created a TiddlyWiki and distributed to some participants to add some data and return. It is similar to a questionnaire but is not a real questionnaire.

Participants create tiddlers from the sidebar using a helper button. Each tiddler connected to a category and tagged with special words like health, sport, education, hobby, food, …


  1. I like to provide tips to participant when they fill out the fields in a tiddler
  2. When a tiddler is opened in edit mode the tips shall be displayed at the bottom of tiddler
  3. The tip has a small button to dismiss it, so next time I open it, tips wont be shown (or any tiddlers with that tag will not display the tips e.g. dismiss tips for that category)

How can I do this?

With an edit template :

You can also use the new cascade feature:

It’s a bit more involved but it’s also more powerful. In your case, I think an edit template is enough.

See my wiki for an example of custom edit template:

Here’s how it works:

I can toggle the edit view in the sidebar

Or access the edit view by editing a tiddler tagged with channel

A tiddler in view mode looks like this:

And it looks like that in edit mode:

As you can see, it’s possible to write text above inputs to give some hint to the user on what to fill in.

Relevant tiddlers that accomplish this: curated-videos

Note that what you want to do can be done much more easily than in my example. Let me know if you need help, I wont be able to help you right now (I’m working on a file explorer project), but I should be finished by tomorrow.

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