Okay, this has been a rough day. I preached this morning and that went well, but I am in seasonal allergy…season, and I came home and slept 3 hours and am not at 100% right now.
I went to TiddlyStow, and it felt unsafe to me. It was a crude html file with no CSS and little explanation, so it left me with lots of questions. And the comments here at Talk TW made it sound like it still needed more to make it work better. So I am hesitant to try to use it.
The TiddlyStow html page mentioned GitHub - slaymaker1907/TW5-browser-nativesaver, and said it “had more features and is bundled as a TiddlyWiki plugin” so I investigated that, thinking it would be a better option. I did not find a demo site with a TiddlyWiki plugin to import, as I had hoped, but I found the html file I needed (example-wiki.html) and downloaded it. A wizard with checkboxes comes up, but the documentation is minimal, and assumes more knowledge than what I have. And it mentions security issues. Great. So now I am hesitant to use that, too.
My questions are these for the TW5-browser-nativesaver.
- I downloaded example-wiki.html. Is there a preferred place where I should save it?
- I use a lot of local files in different folders. The documentation says backups go to /{selected folder}/backups/{wiki filename/{version hash}.html. It is that the original file is saved AND a backup is made in a /backups/ folder in the folder of the original file? And am I correct in assuming the original file does not have to be moved, and gets saved where it is?
- If it is saving and backing up each file, why do the instructions tell me to make backups regularly?
- Do I have to be online for this process to work, if I downloaded the example-wiki.html file? It sounds as if the regular process is accessing a page online. Does the example-wiki.html avoid this? I ask because at times, thankfully infrequently, I have spotty Internet. Am I not going to be able to save in any TiddlyWiki when I have problems with internet access?
- What is the ideal setup for the checkboxes in the wizard if I want security, and plan to only use local standalone files?
- There was mention of asking where to save backups. Will I need to do this for each local file?
Anyway, I can’t actually use TW until I get answers to these questions. Good thing my projects for this week are in Gmail, Word and Dynalist. Thanks to everyone for any light shed on these questions.
P.S. a mild rant: These questions are good examples of important information that most developers don’t need but people like me do. Documentation for everything in TiddlyWiki tends to be a matter of reading between the lines and guessing what “expert blind spots” there are, because the person who wrote it uses node.js and github and assumes everyone reading it is a developer with similar knowledge. Sorry to sound so critical. I appreciate all you guys do. But if you create new plugins and tools, or add new features to the core, you should treat “really thorough documentation” as part of each of those project before eagerly moving on to the next exciting project. Build into your process the step of running the documentation by someone less tech-savvy to see what might be missing. For example, the tiddlywiki.com documentation has logical gaps, links to missing tiddlers (look at the size of the list of non-system missing tiddlers in the tab in tiddlywiki.com!), and not enough examples to see how something works when a little complexity is added in.
I feel like I am always bothering everyone because I ask so many questions here and ask for help so much. I am truly sorry about that. Or maybe I just need to accept that TiddlyWiki is leaving me and others like me behind and at some point I am going to have to migrate to other tools after sticking with it all these years.
So a plea: whatever everyone can do to polish their documentation will hopefully diminish my constant questioning. Just to show you the extent of my concern: At times I have thought about paying one of you for a day to walk me through things like pragmas. Because I am not going to able to learn that on my own. Everyone here got all excited about them. I just sighed and said, oh, look, another learning curve, and they are even talking about eventually deprecating things like macros that it took me so long to learn, and I only learned macros because @Charlie_Veniot took the time to do a walkthrough video. TW would do well to hire someone techy but good at walking people through complex stuff in simple terms who could create some online courses with videos that help people through a number of things like these (saving, pragmas, complex list filters, I am sure there are several more)
Ok rant done, I love you guys, but right now I am overworked, struggling with allergies, and not even being able to save TiddlyWiki files I depend on without going through yet another learning curve with indecipherable documentation is a huge setback for me. So be patient with me and don’t take my words too personally.