Time to update before email? Is there any?

This is a post about this forum & how it works.


  • I write posts
  • Frequently I update them in the FIRST hour after writing for spelling errors and clarifications

Questions …

  • DO posts go to email immediately?

  • Would an email user only ever see the orgiinal (with errors)?

Jjust asking. TT

Speaking for myself, I read Talk via email, and so I will never see your updates unless I happen to click through to reply to a post.

From my point of view, therefore, it is best to think of the “edit” functionality as being for correcting typos. If you have something germane to add or change then the only way that you can be sure that everyone will see it is to make a new post.

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Right. It iS good to know that, as a consequence it is … “better to perfect before post.”

Rather than post I will sit-on-it for an hour from now on.

IMO, it is NOT obvious in the web posting interface that email recipients will ONLY get the original.

A comment, TT

According to this post, the default delay is 10 minutes… unless we’ve overridden it. Have we done so, @CodaCoder, @EricShulman, @Mark_S, @boris, @Mario?

That’s almost perfect for me to catch my usual typos and minor edits, although I do occasionally edit hours or days later.

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It is a very interesting information, that not all of us have been driven to use the seductive possibilities of the forum. Given my own habits this might sometimes be different worlds :-/

We did not change the default. It’s still 10min after the last edit.