TidGi-Mobile supports create wiki from template - for people don't have PC

I have a QQ group with 1k+ tw users, and I find many of them never use the desktop version of TiddlyWiki, they use Tiddloid or tiddlyhost (slow in China) on their phones.

So I decided to add “Create from template” to TidGi-Mobile, so new users can start using TiddlyWiki without a desktop computer, and can sync to TidGi-Desktop app or any nodejs server later.

Why not HTML wiki or Tiddloid?

TidGi-Mobile uses SQLite and the filesystem to store up to n * 10k of tiddlers and n GBs of images, which can be compared to the Obsidian Mobile App or Evernote Mobile.


See TIDGI for user manual and download.

In the future, I will introduce TidGi Mobile more in my videos and blogs, instead of the Desktop app, because mobile is the majority.


If you have more template to add, just PR to add it to GitHub - tiddly-gittly/TidGi-Official-Website: a Tiddlywiki based website of TidGi - an Opensource knowledge management app. Including TidGi download link, feature introduction, Tiddlywiki ecosystem explanation..., like TidGi-Official-Website/tiddlers/Tiddlywiki XP Template.tid at master · tiddly-gittly/TidGi-Official-Website · GitHub

It need to have GitHub - tiddly-gittly/tw-mobile-sync: Sync data between Mobile HTML (Tiddloid) <-> Desktop App (TidGi) plugin installed. And have at least 20 plugins, so new user won’t have a poor first experience on TW.

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