TiddlyWikiPharo and critical code/data literacy curriculum

It looks like a robust workflow. … Since you already have several files, that are combined into 1 data-source you may have a closer look to the “external core” TiddlyWiki version, which creates a much smaller HTML file, because the tw-core is externalized.

This smaller HTML file may make the scrapping function faster … maybe?!

You are welcome

In that context is where I am using Fossil right now. So a plain tiddlers.json export with Hanoi towers is good enough, and Fossil SCM (Git, Mercurial and so on) would be used for milestone based storage.

Maybe. As I’m trying to avoid NodeJS as much as possible, I will keep the exploration of the HTML scrapping and benchmark it. For now I don’t need as much speed as I need automation and agile prototyping. Once I have it I will try to optimize it and hopefully some exporting tiddlers.json script will be available.

Mapping the needs and possibilities and putting then in the radar is a valuable endeavor meanwhile. Thanks for this.

The info linked, is only needed to build a TW version with an external core. … Plugins are still part of the html file. … Had a look at your examples, I think you won’t win too much, since you use a lot of 3rd party plugins.