TiddlyWiki5 Syntax in the Visual Studio Marketplace, By Joshua Fontany

I’m just working with some TW + NodeJS stuff, and finding that my VS Code editor is suggesting a great TW5 syntax plugin.

Thanks @joshuafontany for creating this!


It auto suggested it for you? Cool! Very glad it is useful.

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Bump. v2.0.0 has been released!


I usually add a line like this to my project

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procedure and conditional syntax is supported, thanks for the update!

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That’s cool. Perhaps we should add a .vscode directory to the TW5 repo, and include a recommendation for tw5-syntax. Are there other features that would be helpful to include?

Another place is the mapping of the info file

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Update v2.0.2 posted.

  • Merged all snippets/snippets.json fixes from @pmario
  • Fixed “named filter run prefixes”, i.e. :anything, and “shortcut filter run prefixes”, i.e. +|-|~|=


I was able to find out how to include this in the plugin’s /contributes section. Automatic JSON highlighting for all *.info and *.files files!

Thank you for the update @joshuafontany, it is highly appreciated. A small request if you have time, support for detecting indented macros/procedures.

Example code:

\procedure saveNewWikiActions()
    \procedure saveNewWikiCallback()
        \procedure failureHandler()
        <$action-log status="error saving new wiki to the server"/>
        <$action-setfield $tiddler={{{ [[$:/temp/webdav/error/]addsuffix<now [UTC]YYYY0MM0DD0hh0mm0ssXXX]>] }}} text={{{ [[There was an error creating the new wiki. ]addsuffix<error>] }}} component="WebDAV save new wiki" tags="$:/tags/Alert"/>
        \end failureHandler
    <$list filter="201 204 :intersection[<status>]" variable="null" emptyMessage=<<saveNewWikiCallbackFailure>> >
        <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-notify" $param="$:/plugins/sq/webdav-utils/ui/templates/wiki-created" path=<<destinationURL>> />
        <$action-deletetiddler $filter="$:/temp/sq/fs/new-wiki-template-url $:/temp/sq/fs/new-wiki-name"/>
        <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-webdav-ls" $param={{{ [<destinationURL>split[/]butlast[]join[/]trim[/]!is[blank]addsuffix[/]addprefix[/]] :else[[/]] }}} />
    \end saveNewWikiCallback
<$wikify name="myplugins" text={{$:/plugins/sq/webdav-utils/templates/new-wiki-plugins}}>
        body={{{ [<data>addprefix<myplugins>] }}}
\end saveNewWikiActions
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Mahalo (thanks). Clean example code like this makes it much easier to test these types of updates.

Update 2.0.6 released just now (give it 5 minutes).


@joshuafontany Thank you again for your work in this, it is an invaluable aid.

Another small request if you have the time, support for widget attributes denoted by backticks (substituted attributes). In particular they tend to break subsequent highlighting when the substituted attribute contains filter expressions.


title: my tiddler

        style=`zoom: ${ [<zoom-state>get.field[text],[0]] }$; transform: translate(${ [<drag-state>get.field[translate-x],[0]] }$px, ${ [<drag-state>get.field[translate-y],[0]] }$px);`
<div class=`$(currentTiddler)$`>
        <span> Hello </span>
<div class="myclass">
        <span> Please highlight me </span>

Do you prefer feedback and requests here on the forum, or on Github?