Tiddlywiki multi-users with git

Some time ago I see something about someone who did a project to allow to use tiddlywiki with many users through a git depot.
Maybe it worked with a CRDT system (I am unsure).

I would like something like that, but I can’t find it again, do someone have any idea ?

I was also considering using Bob, but it seems like I would need an external server with the ability to run NodeJs so people can access it even when my computer is shutdown.

We have been using git for wiki for at least two years

But directly using a nodejs server is not possible, because account system is not implemented in tiddlywiki yet.

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Thanks ! I think it was one of your message that makes me discover it.

Unfortunately, now I remember why I never tried it, I just can’t understand anything because of the used language.

I decided to just use Bob and git directly.
This isn’t perfect (no account system and possible conflicts) but it is ok.