Tiddlywiki Is the coolest thing I've ever seen

Insta-thought: Tinker Bell.

As of now there is literally no single platform capable of handling my tw-database. I could export it but I’d lose a lot if critical features like dynamic script splicing & execution using twexe, and various other features. It’s not so much that tiddlywiki is hard to export data, there’s just not a singular platform I could export too, I’d have to setup various tools and sacrifice many essential features. If that makes sense. I was mostly meaning finding something to replace tiddlywiki would be a nightmare and migration of my plugin-heavy tiddlers would be rough

I acknowledge the difficulty of which you speak.

Here I have differentiated between exporting the data and the features. At best other solutions may provide some fixed way of exporting the data, with tiddlywiki you can export it in many different ways. If however your continued use of that data needs functions available, or buildable, that you have in tiddlywiki and these other solutions do not - its they that are failing, not tiddlywiki.

  • If you do want to maintain not just the data but the logic then it will always be harder to migrate from the most usable to less usable solution and not loose something.
  • It is possible with experience to design your solutions so they work well with generally available tools to enable export to tools than may be able to replace most aspects of tiddlywiki. However you would want a good reason to leave tiddlywiki.