"Tiddlywiki is an ancient open-source wiki application in the form of an html file"

Sorry, but that quote makes me laugh. And this is from a grad student using and loving TiddlyWiki! LOL

TiddlyWiki for Organizing Notes and Research


That should make the archaeologists turn up. Seriously digging into the matter.

If he finds the Rosetta stone he might find it a useful bridge to decode the considerably more ancient language of Fortran which is now lost in the murky mists of pre-history when it is believed long folded papyrus scrolls and mechanical scribes were used by the students of the day to hand in assignments.


Probably meant “an open source wiki application for ancient people” - a lot of gray haired people in this forum, myself included.


Ancient - yes, but for me it seems I can soon say former gray haired. Hair is thinning fast. I need advice - how do you take a holiday from Tiddlywiki?


You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave!


That bod wants to invent the square wheel! I’m so tempted to argue TW5 is the classic example of “If it works, don’t fix it”, which is why I’m starting to tackle “TW5 for beginners”, as GrokTW most certainly isn’t. See my Plain English opener in March and Rairoad Diagram posting in June for the dialogue with @TW_Tones.

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