tiddlywiki site:forum.zettelkasten.de at DuckDuckGo
TiddlyWiki has got attention among Zettelkastener.
tiddlywiki site:forum.zettelkasten.de at DuckDuckGo
TiddlyWiki has got attention among Zettelkastener.
Rightly so.
Why? Because the “Tiddler” is the closest analogy to the “Zettelkastener card” in available apps.
IMO we could do a little more in TW to close the gap to Zettelkasteners further.
Just a comment, TT
You are so right. And I’ve experimented with all the mainstream apps as my primary notes app for months.
TW came up with groundbreaking ideas for a notes app, like fields, filters, transclusion, and templates. Unfortunately, it’s mostly known as a personal wiki or a single HTML file app.
I’ve seen blogs on how to use Zettelkastener using other apps. But TW is the only app to which Zettelkastener comes naturally.
TW and @jeremyruston should be given credit for coming up with a new paradigm for note apps.
I think is that likely true. The resolved commitment in TW to “The Tiddler Architecture” is very unusual. And brilliant. It fits well with the Zettelkastener philosophy.
I wish it were more commercially successful. Just MO.
I do worry TW does not get, yet, the full promos it deserves.
Just a comment, TT
Actually tiddlywiki architecture and the tiddler format is open to use in many ways. Whilst not a Zettelkastener enthusiast myself I think tiddlywiki is ideal for it and many other things, the issue for many is learning to apply constraints on the solutions. TiddlyWiki is multi faceted and can extend a long way in many directions though the human mind needs models, structures or metaphors it can wrap your mind around. Having a way to understand or represent things in a somewhat simple way helps us conceptualise, understand and use a solution on a day to day basis. That is we can benefit from applying constraints;
One example;
Our research suggests that GE engineers were not successful despite these constraints, but because of them. Constraints can foster innovation when they represent a motivating challenge and focus efforts on a more narrowly defined way forward.
Hence, the key for fostering creativity and innovation in your organization is to strike a balance by orchestrating different types of constraints.
Text based tiddlers with or without wiki text or widgets, is in itself a very powerful tool. Using it as a “card” in a Zettelkasten effectively benefits from constraints.
I wanted to comment that is a very good, simple, point.
What do I mean?: It is perfectly possible and good to simply create Tiddlers with no macro or whatnots; i.e. pure, simple, text for reading.
Those used with search (that supports regex/or decent wildcards) is already a stellar combination. In @BurningTreeC’s recent MCL the superb “reductive search” is testament to the kind of “live filtering” that users intuitively understand and will use.
For many uses those two are all that is needed.
Just a comment
Before tiddlywiki I used everything from proprietary organisers, personal paper systems, software like treepad and dozens of cloud services. There were strong arguments that suggested building large single text files and dividing them into pieces is dangerouse. Tiddlywiki cuanged this because its a single wiki yet divisable and searchable and has many organising tools list and set fields and tags.
I only realised with your. @TiddlyTitch comments now that I have a firm rule of keeping content seperate from the ways I organise the content, with the exception of tiddlywiki focused research and design.
This has being a constraint that has driven many of my personal design innovations particularly meta data and making implicit information explicit. It is also appears it may be why I do not have the same issues some in this forum voice.
Again. Great comment. I’m gonna think about it and post to the Café when it is clearer what to respond. Also so as not to diss the current OP.
@TW_Tones,lLike @TiddlyTitch, I too don’t want to hijack this thread and move it in an orthogonal direction, but I must say, you have raised an excellent point here.