TiddlyWiki Bare-Bones User Interface


Do you want to play the “let’s build it, one little piece at a time, game?”

Tell me one single and small thing, just one, that you would like to see added next.

Once I’ve added it, then I’ll ask for what single/small next thing should be added.

Slow, incremental. I’ll be ignoring laundry lists, and will likely be ignoring all ideas for the next thing while I’m working on one thing. I’ll likely only be paying attention to the first-come-first-serve idea after I ask for it.


I can’t seem to see find an edit area on mobile… So I guess that’s my first wish!

By an edit area, you do mean an edit text widget, right?

Can do.

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Okay, now we have an edit area.

What should it be editing?

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It should edit a temporary tiddler:


Please tell me that you’re saving snapshots as you go. I’m interested to see this progress.

Nah, I’m not taking any milestone snapshots. I’ll leave that to anybody interested in keeping a little album of daily-ish progress/regress as we prototype the daylights out of pure TiddlyWiki/CSS/HTML and no touching the core.

We’ll see how far we can push this. Maybe even have multiple bare-bones UI options…

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Okay, the EditTextWidget is associated with a temporary tiddler.

What next?

The edit area needs a functioning SAVE button that saves the text content to a tiddler.

I’m going to setup as “Save As” button, so that you can give the tiddler a title.

Just to see.

Sounds perfect. I was going to suggest something like that, but I think you would like the suggestions as simple as possible, no?

Yup. Simple, and keeping anything “make pretty” for the end.

This is all about identifying the pieces, getting that inventory together, and getting the pieces working even if a little bit rough around the edges.

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Okay, we now have a button to create a new tiddler with the text entered in the input text field.

I’m done working on this for today.

However, for when I get back to it sometime in the next few days: what’s next?

Now we can make tiddlers but can’t see them, so how about a list of tiddlers that have been made?

I was going to say that! Yes. So be able to see existing titles and edit them?

Reduce reuse recycle?

I scammed some bits and pieces from BASIC Anywhere Machine.

Bare-Bones UI

Before doing anything else, I need to know: how does what we have so far work on mobile devices?

I only operate with my 17" Chromebook and a secondary 27" display. (Small display devices and I don’t particularly get along.)

Works well. I can type away, save and title my tiddler and then download the wiki quite happily all on my phone.

Hey, thanks for checking and reporting !

Now, is there anything done so far that isn’t quite in the spirit of “bare-bones” ? (We are kind of scoping out what bare-bones means as we prototype away.)

Something we can easily do is have multiple “bare-bones options”, too. Imagine levels 1 to whatever, 1 being the most minimal, and whatever being the most feature-full (and maybe busy just before getting to the point of simply going to the au-natural TiddlyWiki interface.

So at some point, we may want to say that we’ve reached the minimal interface (level 1), and the next thing we add has crossed the threshold to level 2.

As always, “make pretty” for way later.

What’s next, and is the next thing still “level 1” ?

Just a thought: maybe the next thing is a minimal “settings and configuration” dialog?

Like tiddlywiki title, editor font-size …