TiddlyWiki Appearance and Button Style

Despite the organic growth of Tiddlywiki and backward compatibility, does any one knows why the below items are under Settings NOT Appearance

  • Toolbar Button Style
  • Toolbar Button

The first is totally related to appearance and it is odd to find it under Settings tab.
The second is also better to be moved to Appearance

When you click the Include Text, it shows very big text on Tiddler toolbar, the font size need to be adjusted…

What do you think?

Oprn Tiddlywiki, then $:/ControlPanel → Settings (go to the bottom of tab to see Toolbar Button Style, Toolbar Button)

As you guessed. It was added that way and nobody did care enough since then to change it. …

Yes. It could be a completely new tc-something class definition. It’s important that this new size setting is completely independent form the tiddler title size setting. So if one of them is changed, the other one should not be effected.

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