TiddlyTools annual events - one option that I can't get to work

I’m setting up a TiddlyTools timeline and I want to add a TimelineEvent tiddler to it with annual repetition, but I cannot get one of the options to work.
Specifically, the method in https://tiddlytools.com/##TiddlyTools/Time/Events states " To define an annual event that will appear on the same day each year, add an 8-digit YYYYMMDD timeline.start and a 4-digit YYYY timeline.end (i.e., omit the MMDD part of the date)." doesn’t work for me.

I don’t set any other fields in the Timeline Event tiddler other than the timeline.start and the timeline.end fields. I assumed that the 4-digit in timeline.end will be the same as the year part of the timeline.start field. Anyway, it doesn’t work with other years either.

I’m using TiddlyWiki 5.3.1 with TiddlyDesktop and MX Linux.

The YYYYMMDD timeline.start is the first date and year on which the annual event occurs. The YYYY timeline.end is the last year on which the annual event occurs. Normally, the timeline.end field has a YYYY year value that is different from the timeline.start field. If the YYYY values are the same, then the event will only be shown for that single year. To be included in a timeline, the tiddler MUST be tagged with the title of a “timeline” tiddler which is itself tagged with “timeline”

For example, suppose you want to create a Timeline of “silly holidays” that includes Groundhog Day and April Fools Day for years 2000 to 2050, you would, at a minimum:

  • Create a tiddler (e.g., “SillyHolidays”) tagged with “timeline”
  • Create a tiddler “Groundhog Day”, tagged with “SillyHolidays” containing fields:
    • timeline.start = “20000202”
    • timeline.end = “2050”
  • Create a tiddler “April Fools Day” tagged with “SillyHolidays” containing fields:
    • timeline.start = “20000401”
    • timeline.end = “2050”

Note that, as an alternative to tagging each individual holiday tiddler with “SillyHolidays”, you could enter those tiddler titles directly into the list field of the “SillyHolidays” tiddler itself, like this:
[[Groundhog Day]] [[April Fools Days]]

Can you confirm that you have things set up as described above?


Thank you for the reply. I set up the tiddlers as you describe, but I must be doing something wrong. It doesn’t work with me.
I wasn’t sure about the quotation marks and I tried it with them and without them, but there was no difference.

I see the SillyHolidays timeline listed in calendar, but no entries for it.

EDIT: The content type field is blank in my event tiddlers. Is this correct?
EDIT 2: I think that the problems may be due to an improper installation of the plugins. :flushed:
I tried to re-install them and drag and drop would not work when the wiki had been opened in TiddlyDesktop. The Import tiddler was trying to import a tiddler named “Untitled”.

I opened the wiki file in my browser instead of with TiddlyDesktop and the drag and drop of the plugin worked. I made a quick test and I think now that the problem that I reported is gone.