TiddlyRemember: Sync flashcards generated by a ViewTemplate?

My problem will probably only make sense to someone familiar with TiddlyRemember, but for those that don’t know TiddlyRemember is a fantastic plugin that allows you to create flashcards with a rememberq macro, and then syncs all instances of that macro to the flashcard program Anki.

I have a bunch of tiddlers that look like this:

title: WikiText
tags: Concept
definition: The markup language for TiddlyWiki

I can dynamically generate flashcards that test me on the definitions of concepts by creating a GenerateFlashcards tiddler with the following content:

<$list filter="[tag[Concept]">
    <$macrocall $name=rememberq id={{!!created}} question={{!!title}} answer={{!!definition}} />

This is great, but I would prefer for the generated flashcards to appear directly on each concept tiddler, perhaps using a tiddler like this, tagged $:/tags/ViewTemplate:

<$list filter="[all[current]tag[Concept]">
    <$macrocall $name=rememberq id={{!!created}} question={{!!title}} answer={{!!definition}} />

The problem is that now the flashcards don’t sync. There must be a tiddler that I can include in the TiddlyRemember sync filter that will get this working, but really don’t know. I’ve tried including tiddlers matching filters like [all[shadows+system]prefix[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate]] to no avail.

Can anyone help? :slight_smile:

Hm, I’m not familiar with TiddlyRemember or its sync process. But it doesn’t make sense to me that the addition of a view template in TiddlyWiki could cause any problem with how the sync happens — unless (for example) this new view template is tagged in a way that causes it to be included with the content tiddler batch for the sync process (where perhaps those tiddlers need to have a certain predictable data structure).

Do you have backups? Can you isolate the step that caused the problem?

Also, let’s tag @sobjornstad who is the creator of TiddlyRemember.

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If you want flashcard with full wikitext support, you will have to use Tidme — Lifelong knowledge, deep in mind

If I’m understanding your layout correctly, the problem here is that your flashcards are only rendered anywhere in your wiki using the ViewTemplate. TiddlyRemember does not transclude the view template when syncing, so it will not find any flashcards. (It uses the template $:/plugins/sobjornstad/TiddlyRemember/templates/TiddlyRememberParseable, rather than the view template.)

This should be trivial to fix though – just also make a GenerateFlashcards tiddler (which you need not ever look at within your wiki), and set your TiddlyRemember sync filter to this tiddler.

Thanks for clarifying, and thanks for the plugin :slight_smile: