TiddlyPWA questions

Good question @LoryMoney , but while waiting for a knowledgable answer, i am curious to know: how is that TiddlyPWA app working for you? Does your daily usage involve sync-to-cloud from a local-first instance? if so, then how seamless is that sync, & how easy was it to set up?

I ask because, i was just there trying to set it up, but in trying to sync to an existing wiki, it directed me to set up a “salt” parameter in some field that does not exist on my TW 5.3.5 instance… Then, even to create a new wiki with sync, the “Request Access” button did not work in my (Chrome) browser, so…

Before investing any more effort in this, i’d like to hear from a current user that what it promises to do does indeed work, and how. Anyone?


(this isn’t quite the right place for TiddlyPWA support questions but I’ll reply here once for the sake of anyone finding these questions via search)

That’s for joining another device to your TiddlyPWA synced wiki! Importing contents is not the same as syncing. Apologies for the potentially confusing wording, I’ll try to clarify it there.

Is that for the persistent storage thing? Yes, Chrome does not do manual persistence requests. I thought there was some text explaining this… at least on the welcome page inside of a fresh wiki?Don’t worry about it.