TiddlyMap display tags on map without them existing as tiddlers

(Related to this: TiddlyMap exclude specific node/tag)

I’ve imported my bookmarks into TW and I’ve ended up with ~3.3k tiddlers and ~1k unique tags. I’m using TiddlyMap ( TM ) to draw connections between them.

I’ve realised that for TM to show all tiddlers with the music tag for example, an actual tiddler with the same name music must exist.

Does that mean that I need to find a way to create ~1k tiddlers, one for each of the currently used tags? Can TM handle them simply because they are mentioned in those tiddlers or do they need to actually exist?

A possible corollary, how would I go about generating ~1k tiddlers for all those tags? :smiley:

A node filter of [tag[music]] would put all music tiddlers on map, however you wouldn’t see a tagged as edge to a Music node since the tag tiddler doesn’t exist.

A possible corollary, how would I go about generating ~1k tiddlers for all those tags?

You can create the tag tiddlers with a json file for drag and drop import in the form of:


If you want the tag tiddlers to show in the recent tab, you will need to include a modified value.

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As an alternative, you can use this Wikitext version to create a tiddler for every tag (except system tags):

<$list filter="[tags[]!is[tiddler]!is[system]]">
  <$action-createtiddler $basetitle=<<currentTiddler>>/>


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