Tiddlyhost saving problems for Windows users

I’m no closer to finding a solution for this, but really appreciating the feedback and data points. My plan is to get hold of a Windows ISO and run it in a VM and see if I can reproduce the problem.


In addition to slow saving, uploading a html file manually is also very slow on Windows. While saving on Linux is as fast as saving on iPad and Android (tested today).

Have confirmed today I am having no trouble saving on Android or iPad, leaving windows the one OS I’m having trouble with.

@simon have you changed something recently? I have noticed just now that saving on Windows is very fast (just as it was before the problems started). I think it was slow even a couple of hours ago, but now it’s fast.


Just came looking for this thread to report – I backed up my 35mb single-file and it took just an instant. Most lovely of surprises.

Do report, @simon!

I also am pleasantly surprised. I have a wiki I use as a briefcase of sorts, to shuttle material between home and work. For a while now, it was fine on my work Windows and Mac machines, and fine on my home Linux machine, but for whatever reason from my home Windows machine, saving was horribly slow, and often failed outright. Now it’s back to being quite fast.

Thanks for whatever you fixed, @simon! Or if not that, then thanks to the gods of chance who’ve given us a nice new roll of the dice! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Erm …

Interesting thread.

IS it serendipity or @simon?

I see real (J)brains like @Scott_Sauyet asking too.

Is there an answer other than 42?

Sharing some save time statistics from the last roughly two days:

       OS     Avg  Median  >10s  >20s  >30s     Max  Count
       --     ---  ------  ----  ----  ----     ---  -----
      All    6.28    2.04   12%    5%    3%  391.20   2750
  Windows    6.01    1.86    9%    4%    3%  391.20    924
    Linux    6.44    2.85   10%    5%    4%  166.12    764
    Other    6.17    2.68   17%    4%    1%  268.54    626
      Mac    6.16    0.78   12%    2%    2%  351.99    242
     iPad    1.11    1.12    0%    0%    0%    2.09    106
   iPhone   18.45   12.08   56%   31%   19%  113.16     70
  Android    2.20    0.85    6%    6%    0%   23.81     16
     curl    6.56    6.64    0%    0%    0%    6.64      2

It raises almost as many questions as it answers, but it would appear that things are better than they were.

Unfortunately I deleted some older log files that included super long save times, so I can’t compare these stats with the stats from a few months ago.

One thing I can look into further is whether the too-long saves are always hitting the same unlucky sites or users, or are they distributed randomly.


I noticed last night that the save was again either taking too long for me to wait or just timing out at some point. Windows 11 Home. No issues from Windows 11 Pro at work, or Ubuntu 18 (?) at home. I no longer have a Mac at work, so can’t report there.

For the last twenty minutes or so, I keep getting this error when saving:


I’ve tried things like closing my browser, logging out of TiddlyHost, doing a CTRL-Refresh of TiddlyHost.

Still keep getting that error.

No problem opening a TW instance and editing, just cannot save.

And it’s working fine again. Hmmm.

Based on this chart, it’s iPhone users who should be complaining.

It kind of looks like there’s no strong correlation with platform (except for iPhone).

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