Tiddlyhost ... down for around 7 hours [resolved]

I stopped being able to save my work around 7 hours ago and that’s when I tried reloading and realized the site was down. I have been pretty much incessantly trying to get back into the site since then, I was really excited to work on tiddly but now my excitement is damped.

I’m a new user and I sort of just want an honest answer. Does this happen a lot?

Edit: I’m in north america.

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“a lot” is pretty subjective.

Let’s say that before November, I don’t remember noticing any downtime with TiddlyHost.

Since November, there have been very noticeable downtime occurrences. I would not be surprised if some operating system and/or Web server software upgrade has caused some problems, and some eventual upgrade will fix things.

Pre-November, TiddlyHost was so stable that I find it pretty easy to believe it will be again whenever some upgrade/patch for whatever operating system and/or web server software is released. The normal reliability still outweighs the recent hiccups.

In the meantime, I download to a local drive any TW (on TiddlyHost) that I’ve significantly altered, so that I still have access to a recent TW instance when TiddlyHost is down.

Just like it is always important to have backups of local files, it is always a good idea to have backups of files on any web service.

BTW, I generally avoid modifying any copy of a TW instance I have on TiddlyHost. I don’t like figuring out the diffs between two TW instances when there’s an intertwingled mess of diffs.

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Thanks for letting me know. I have a download from 2 days ago but I guess I should’ve been editing that in the tiddlywiki desktop version instead. I’m basically waiting for the website to come back so I can download what I have and start using it locally. I suppose I wasn’t expecting it to have a major outage a couple days after I start learning how to use it.

Strangely enough, for me, it’s after when I found that saving tiddlywiki on tiddlyhost on Windows become much faster did tiddlyhost become unstable.

Aye I started working on my wiki very early on Friday, and made around 10 downloads to local up until Sunday morning. However as most of it is still available on the download, it is hard to say what is and isn’t present, from the few hours that are now unavailable.

I guess just working on the local version and changing the hosted wiki instead would solve it.

What I can tell already is that organizing my rules for a new RPG has significant advantages when done as a wiki…

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Hello @Whatisavailable, and welcome to the forum.

I have been depending on tiddlyhost for years, and have found it to be reliable enough to depend on for teaching resources (that is, sending dozens of people to a site, regularly, in order to get assignments, study tools, feedback, etc.). This is the longest outage I can remember.

I hope we’ll hear soon from @simon.

Apologies. Should be back up shortly.


It is up once more. Thank you.

And the unannounced break at least allowed me to read Grok Tiddlywiki a bit more…

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Thanks so much, @simon!

Is there any way that the community can pool our attention and resources so that at least one other person is in a position to troubleshoot tiddlyhost? Or is that really not a viable thing, because of how the server administration access works?

I worry that you’re in the awkward position of illustrating the aphorism that “No good deed goes unpunished.” Having made these tremendously valuable tiddlyhost accounts available, you’re now getting dozens (hundreds?) of folks flooding your inbox with impatient messages if something goes amiss with the server. And you need to be able to unplug, like everyone else… Is there a way to share that burden at all?

Much appreciation for the tiddlyhost universe you’ve set up!


Tiddlyhost is up for me in Michigan. I can open and view a Tiddlywiki.

It would be cool if somebody added a “[resolved]” (or whatever) to the title of this thread.

At first glance, I thought TiddlyHost was down again.

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Yes, I wonder if there’s some better way for addressing these things than @simon getting tagged every other day when there’s a server blip.

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