TiddlyHost.com is down

Supposedly not just for me as per this site.

Thanks for the heads up. Should be back online now.


Good stuff. Thanks !

Before shutting down my browser, I exported to JSON all tiddlers modified within the last day, and I’ll just drag 'em into my TW instance tomorrow.

Rock’n roll !

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The site is down again ?

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@Charlie_Veniotsadly down here so not just you!
Uk, 9.00am GMT 23rd Dec


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still down here, 1300Z 2024-12-23 :worried:

Down for me also unfortunately :frowning:

TiddlyHost.com is down again. I was able to save at about 10:30 last night (eastern US time) and then it went down immediately after. Still down this morning at time of this post.

Still down here as well

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Down for me, but only today so far.

(topic deleted by author)

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Up at 04:18:46 UTC


It seems to be down again 18:56 UTC 2025-01-19


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Ditto here for me in Atlantic Canada.

And upstate NY…Utica/Cooperstown.

we’re building a map of tiddlyhost users who visit talk.tiddlywiki.org

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Down for me as well. From the Netherlands. Is this a regular occurrence?

I wouldn’t say it is a regular occurrence, but it has been happening with an abnormal frequency since November (?).

Considering the really good stability before, I’m suspecting some operating system, or Web server software, update that introduced some issue that will eventually be resolved by some future update.

I’ve just been making a point of regularly downloading a copy of any TiddlyWiki instance that I’ve significantly modified.

Just like it is a good idea to backup locally stored stuff, it is a good idea to backup stuff stored with an online service.


Indeed, this outage has been going on for more than three [edit: NINE] hours…

Heading into a new semester, I’m having one of those reality-checks. Luckily, outages have never (yet) been extended enough to dissuade me from relying on tiddlyhost as the hub for teaching materials. Just can’t beat the convenience and access-from-anywhere flexibility! To me, totally worth ponying up with a monthly payment…

Is there anyone besides @simon who’s in a position to troubleshoot? (I mean, maybe it would be ideal to have a back-up person, since no one person should be expected to be on call 24/7, right?)


Update, Tiddlyhost is up once more.