[Tiddlyhost] At home I can save my tw, but not at work

I use https://Tiddlyhost.com (it’s free) to host a Tiddlywiki to edit at home and at work to keep notes. They are all TW5 wikis. At home it works fine in Chrome and I can save changes to my Tiddlyhost file back to their site just fine. However at work, still using Chrome, TH asks me to save to a local file and does not allow me to save the data back to the TH site.

At work we have something called Cortex XDR, which I think is anti-malware. I do not recognize any other major antimalware software on my work PC. I checked Cortex XDR and I cannot whitelist any sites. We also seem to use third party blocklists at the router level which I also cannot change.

At work things are locked down tight. We do have antivirus software on each PC but I’m not sure I can whitelist the TH site.

Is there anything I can do to make the TH site work at my employer?

I think the way to go is to ask your IT department if something is blocked, related to the TH IP

Since we don’t know anything about your system, we can only guess.

You could open the developer console in your browser with F12 and select the Console tab. If you click the save button, there may be new messages. … These may display some more info.

When did you create the wiki at TiddlyHost? … Older wikis did use some ControlPanel save settings. … Newer wikis use a different save mechanism. … So there may be some settings missing at work. … Depending on the “age” of the wiki.

@simon Can you help?

  1. I’ve already asked IT to unblock other safe websites and they won’t or can’t do it. Thus my suspicion that the block is from a third-party list.
  2. The one problem wiki called Newsy was ported from Tiddlyspot. It’s v5.1.19. What Control Panel settings can I change to make it work?
  3. Is it possible to upgrade or copy over Newsy (the older wiki) to a newer native TH wiki? Newsy has custom CSS to reduce the whitespace around stuff a bit.

I confirmed it’s the old wiki Newsy where I cannot save. A new native TH wiki named “Perl” saves fine.

I fixed it. I just had to go to Control Panel, find the Tiddlyspot tab, enter the correct username and password and it works.

I’m happy that it worked out for you. @simon can answer queston no. 3 better than I can.
have fun!

There is a little extra work needed for older TiddlyWiki versions, see here for details.

I can’t be sure that the customizations will work exactly right after the upgrade, but you can give it a try. See the ugrade guide here. See also the alternative upgrade method.

@simon I updated an older tiddlywiki called “Newsy” using the TW upgrade wizard. The instructions at Upgrading your site to the latest version of TiddlyWiki · simonbaird/tiddlyhost Wiki · GitHub say that for that TW, click the 3 dots, and select “Upload”. I do not have Upload as an option. This site was migrated from Tiddlyspot.

Any ideas? Am I able to upload the upgraded News as a brand new site? I has a new filename.

p.s. It seems I do not have the Upload option because this old TW was ported from Tiddlyspot. A TW created on Tiddlyhost does have the Upload feature.

How can I get my upgraded TW 5.1.27 to Tiddlyhost?