TiddlyFlex - back to development

Hi @Mohammad

The hamburger menu is shown under certain circumstances (they can be configured)
There’s no such setting yet to hide it but I’ll try adding one, good thought!

Hello @Mohammad

I’ve now added a configuration option so that the tiddler controls are only shown on mouse hover over the corresponding tiddler

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Much appreciated! Works like a charm.
The UI is cleaner now!

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Hi all,

now I’ve added a Button that let’s you change from the default vertical view to horizontal view and back.
You can find the button in the top toolbar or add it to the Page Controls.
The plugin version made a jump to v0.2.4

Best wishes,


Tiddlyflex got better again. :+1: For the UI it could be usefull to make a triplebutton that sticks together for the ensemblechooser.

And again: a moduul would be cool :wink:

Hi @JanJo

Could you elaborate on this idea a little bit? How do you imagine this triplebutton?

Building a module out of this is a very complicated task and I don’t know if I can do that.

Thank you,

If you search this, it is called button group. I guess in the css this is one no-break-div with no padding and no margins and no radius for the middle borders.

Hi all,

Good News!
With version 0.3.6 I’ve fixed (hopefully) important scrolling issues in Chromium based Browsers which includes TiddlyDesktop (and Chrome, Brave, Vivaldi, Opera and so on…)
One should notice the improvements when opening Links from within the story rivers to Tiddlers that are not open in any of the story rivers

I’ve also imroved moving Tiddlers left and right and did some under-the-hood improvements.

I hope you enjoy,


cool, I just tried it on my phone and I like the left and right swipe

@BurningTreeC Can you add $:/tags/ViewTemplate support so $:/plugins/OokTech/Photo Gallery works?

Also I hope you can add command palette support following for-layout-developers section here

Thank you!

Hi BurningTreeC

I am coming into this conversation a bit late. Here are my initial thoughts, attempting to see it from a new user prespective, but also as someone who worked on Stroll and other TW adaptations:

  1. I really like this. There have been some multicolumn adaptations in the past, but for some reason this one is resonating with me more.

  2. I LOVE the filter tool. Filtering tiddlers in multiple columns at once is really great.

  3. The buttons at that top right are too subtly colored. I was looking at TiddlyFlex on a wide screen and I didn’t spot them for the longest time. Maybe increase the contrast or add a bit of color?

  4. The add column and close column buttons and the two ways to adjust or hide the sidebar are great too.

  5. The image in one of the posts here mentions Dynanode. Did that get shelved?

  6. Oh! Just discovered the ensembles sidebar tab. I didn’t try everything but loaded a couple of things. Very nice idea and works well. I have noticed that a lot of developers here put stuff in the sidebar and don’t draw attention to it in their main instructions or somewhere in the story river. You should have an Ensembles instruction tiddler so people spot this tab sooner.

  7. I don’t see a visible way to add a tiddler directly to a column. It looks like to create a new tiddler you can only create it from the sidebar or from a link, then drag it to a different column. When looking at it, it made me expect two things: a) a new button at the top of each column that adds a new tiddler to that column, and/or the ability to drag links from the sidebar tabs into a column to open them there. But if the sidebar is hidden, how does one create a new tiddler? Also, there is no instruction about creating new tiddlers in the various columns. None of this is a complaint. I am just trying to help you see the experience through my eyes. What a user might expect.

  8. Showing the header and footer is fine for us here, since we are giving you feedback, but I think for the out of the box new user experience, I think those should be hidden to reduce clutter, and to save a step for those who don’t want them. There are instructions on how to add them, so it is not necessary to see them.

  9. Will the Provide an icon box eventually give you a filterable list of the available icon tiddlers to choose from?

  10. Maybe have, at the top of the first column, an instructions tiddler using sliders that transclude the other instruction tiddlers, like so:

<details><summary>Add a header or footer</summary>

{{Headers & Footers}}


<details><summary>Filter the story lists</summary>

{{Filter the story lists}}



That way there is a quick way for new users to understand what they are looking at and what they might do with it.

Anyway, those are my initial impressions. Kudos to you for creating this, and I hope the rest of the development process goes well for you.


Hi @DaveGifford

I try to answer to your points given here:

I kinda like the UI being subtle. BUT I will see what I can do here with these buttons. Maybe a config option.

Dynanode got shelved, yes. I figured that it did too much. I went with another widget called “refresh-blocker”.
The refresh-blocker widget is very lightweight and blocks the refresh of the UI when the state tiddlers responsible for the sidebar-drag change.

I will add some instructions in an instructions-Tiddler at the starting page!

Tiddlers basically get added to the currently selected column. You can select a column using keyboard shortcuts (alt-left / alt-right) or by clicking the background or the top/bottom headers/footers. I didn’t want to add a button at the top to add new tiddlers to a specific column because I want the UI to remain uncluttered. But your comments made me thinking about a slide-down panel on top…
Creating new tiddlers when the sidebar is hidden can be done with the keyboard shortcut alt-n

The headers and footers are only shown on the demo page, not by default in the plugin.

Yes, that’s a good point. The Ensemble saver is not yet done…

Will do!

Dave, thank you for your detailed comments about your experience.

Best wishes,

Intriguing! Where is that, Simon?

Hi @CodaCoder !
On the Tiddlyflex page there’s a little introduction to the refresh-blocker widget

Hi @linonetwo

Now I’ve added support for $:/tags/ViewTemplate (and $:/tags/EditTemplate)

I’m currently trying to do so. I’ll let you know if I’m struggling.

Thank you,

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Hi @linonetwo !

Now Command Palette support is integrated in TiddlyFlex

Best wishes,


Slightly off topic but…
@BurningTreeC you are a multi coloum genius. This is, I think, your third awsome multiness.

Do any of them have advantages/ use cases not covered by the others or is this an iterative process where you are bringing your learning and experiance to a more refined solution each time?

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Hi @Ste_W and thank you for your nice words!

This is indeed an iterative process.
I wanted to refine my previous Layouts but that meant I had to start from scratch building something that relies from top to bottom on Flexbox which solves some Layout problems I’ve come across before.
I wanted to use procedures and functions and <% if ... %> ... <% endif %> constructs wherever possible and in a way that alters the functionality, design and usability.

I also wanted to build something I can use every day.
Then I also wanted to listen to the community and build something they might like.
I didn’t want to rely on an external javascript library like Muuri for drag&drop and layout.

So this is what it is right now. I’m pretty OK with it but open for suggestions.
The ensemble saver / switcher might get some love. It should also reliably work for the standard Layout.

Now there are some things I learned building TiddlyFlex that might also be something for the TiddlyWiki core but that’s yet to explore…

Thank you for your comment @Ste_W ,
best wishes, Simon

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Thank you, it all works, this is why using core tags matters, it introduces interoperability.

My Feat/loading by linonetwo · Pull Request #8505 · TiddlyWiki/TiddlyWiki5 · GitHub also rely on $:/tags/ViewTemplate

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Hello @BurningTreeC , maybe a stupid question: How do I change the order of the columns?