Tiddly map caption


the tidily map website says the caption field accepts wiki text , but using <<currentTiddler>> or {{!!title}} does not render anything, it can take a filter but as mentioned, using any references to the current tiddler title or a field value doe not work , am i doing something wrong , or this is simply not the intended use for the caption field ?

Arguably wiki text is only the bold underline headings etc… And not the macros, widgets and transclusions I call that Tiddlywiki script.

Current tiddler and title is dependant on the context. I dont know much about tiddly map but you say a filter works in the caption. Thats odd.

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like you can put <$list filter = "[tag[Examples]]"> and it would render all tiddlers tagged with Example as you would expect , but the moment you try to refrence the tiddler that is holding the caption field you are using ,you get nothing, which is odd indeed :slight_smile:

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I am unfamiliar with how Tiddly map works, but just for clarrification, are you putting the currentTiddler and !!title in the caption directly, such as:




or are you putting them in the form of a list like this:

<$list filter="[<currentTiddler>]">


<$list filter="[{!!title}]">

Like I said, I am not familiar with Tiddly map, so if you are putting it in directly, try putting in there in list format. If you were already doing so, and that was your problem, then I don’t have any other ideas.

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Since caption is used for short titles, IMO your examples do not make sense. <<currentTiddler>> or {{!!title}} are used by default if there is no caption field.

So remove the caption field and the title will be shown.


but what if i want {{!!field1}} for example ,because that is what i really want is to show a field value in the caption and not the title?

I did have a short look at the code, but I could not find out, which core functions the rendering of the “caption” field actually uses. But it seems it does not have access to the <<currentTiddler>> variable.

It seems to have access to all the macros, since it can “resolve” the <<now>> macro as described in the docs.

But something like
<$list filter="[[tiddlerName]get[fieldName]]" /> or
<$transclude tiddler=asdf field=xx /> seems to do the trick.

<$list filter="[<currentTiddler>fieldName[]]" /> does not work So as I wrote … probably no access to the currentTiddler variable.

IMO that’s a bug

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Thank you , that does the trick indeed