Tiddly Desktop - compact listing?

Is there a way to have Tiddly Desktop list files in a more compact way? I have several different tiddly wiki files, and only about 8 can fit on one screen. Is there more of a shorter listing? Maybe oneliners with small icons to open, remove, etc, then title, (optionally then location (cut off, but in a text box that you can see or resize or something))? then I could fit 5 times that on the TiddlyDesktop page.

Hi @rodgie there is no support at the moment for a compact listing format. But it is possible to add custom CSS definitions to the backstage wiki in order to adjust things.

  1. Right click on the wikilist window and choose “inspect” to open developer tools to see and experiment with the existing styles
  2. Open the backstage wiki using the button at the top of the wikilist window and create a new tiddler tagged $:/tags/Stylesheet to contain custom CSS definitions

You can try tiddlygit.

Close the icon to show many different wikis.