caption: TIDDLERS -Create_A_New_Tiddler -If_You_Don_t_Like_Using_A_Mouse
created: 20250101133649192
modified: 20250101140103863
tags: [/AF_alf-OF_off-202500 [-CR_cor-TT_tat-000000
title: TIDDLERS -Create_A_New_Tiddler -If_You_Don_t_Like_Using_A_Mouse
type: plain/text
Happy New Year, Everyone!
This tip is directed towards amateur users (myself included).
Keep your fingers on the keyboard and off the mouse as much as possible. Computing is much more enjoyable here.
Creating a new Tiddler is simpler if you give it a name it, hit the [tab] key a few times to get down to the “Add a new field” area:
field name, [tab] field value
type [tab] plain/text
caption [tab] A nice name for your Tiddler in lists
tags [tab] Talk_TiddlyWiki Tips_And_Tricks
A little caution, however: does not work well with “title” field! An interesting anomaly for further discussion…
Keep going with more fields if you like.
Then export Tiddler straight away so that it’s in your Downloads folder. “.tid” files are great because they’re easy to read and edit outside of TiddlyWiki.
Happy New Year and Happy TiddyWikiing.