Tiddler Under Focus: A WikiText Solution

Is there a WikText solution (using TW5 scripting) to find the tiddler under focus?
By now there is a rather old plugin (felixhayashi/TW5-HotZone: Be notified when tiddlers are scrolled into view (github.com)) which uses JavaScript and shows the tiddler under focus.

It changes a temp tiddler ($:/temp/focussedTiddler). This gives you a lot of flexibility, so you can use it for any to

  • Unfold the table of contents or highlight the current topic.
  • Change the page title
  • Update the permalink in the address bar
  • Log the user behavior
  • Highlight the focussed tiddler

I think TiddlyWiki itself does not have something similar in the core.

To be precise, it is not calculated based on the focus (or the focus that the user is looking at), which is different from focus. It is based on the current tiddler’s window height, which is not very friendly to tiddlers, because the height of each tiddler is different, and sometimes it is not so accurate.

I have not used it! but by focus I mean something like below
Progress Nav (codepen.io)

HotZone is too old. Now many of our plugin is based on Gk0Wk/focused-tiddler. It is JS based, there is no vanilla wikitext way to do this.

Hi @linonetwo,
Thank you for sharing!
I am going to use it with @EricShulman Toc tools to dynamically show the tiddler under focus on the sidebar TableOfContents.

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Echarts plugin’s sidebar brain chart is using this too. Showing focused tiddler’s network.

Thank you! I will check it to learn how it works.


Some thoughts on this subject.

You may be aware of my work on the focus tiddler as defined by navigation and uses the recently discussed current-tiddler field of the history tiddler, and includes the ability to select any tiddler as the focused one using the target icon.

You may also be aware of the DynaView Demo which can identify the tiddler in view.

It seems to me that the idea of a “focused tiddler” can be multi-faceted, and I see value in a little design innovation here. The idea would be to maintain the information about the following;

  • last navigated or selected,
  • obtain the information about the tiddler in view using the DynaView plugin
  • perhaps introduce a user maintained “selected tiddler” independent of the above
  • and generate a hybrid that makes use of all the above without compromising the value of each.

I believe it only needs a good metaphor to describe the different selected, focused, visually focused tiddlers then implement a solution that give the user full control of the above.

  • Selected may stay as is regardless of navigation and visual focus (user controlled)
  • Focused used to track intentional navigation or selection that records the users path (user controlled)
  • Visual focus may be more important to tools such as in the side bar to display details about the visual tiddler. This can be made to change easily and incidentally.

Of note all the above relate to a specific list, in this case the open tiddlers, or story list, however the functionality could be granted to any list, such as a tag list.

  • And each relevant list could have a history, last/previous and first/last.

Fort example asking for the selected tiddler, or focused tiddler may also result in the visible tiddler value updating, but scrolling will change the visible tiddler but not the selected or focused tiddler.

One persons focused tiddler may be a combination of the last navigated to and made visible, tiddlers. the former the result of navigation or selection, the later after scrolling.

Hi Tony!
Thank you for sharing! I was not aware of those tools. Yes, having a sidebar tab to dynamically update and show desired information is a great idea! Previously this was used by plugins like TiddlyMap and Echarts.