Tiddler-multicolumns-views using viewtemplate cascades


Here I am sharing a demo of tiddler-multicolumns-views I made using viewtemplate body cascade mechanism. I have not made it into a plug-in yet. You can drag and drop the tiddler from here - My TiddlyWiki — a non-linear personal web notebook if needed.

There are buttons in the subtitle to change the number of columns and to return to default viewtemplate of tiddler body

Also there are buttons in the sides and top of the tiddler body (depending on the number of columns) to change the templates used to display in each columns. Currently used templates are for editor, preview, codeblock, graph, fields and metadata which can be further customised.

Also there are keyboard shortcuts to change column number like ctrl +1, ctrl+2 , ctrl+3 and ctrl+backquote to display 1,2,3, delete columns respectively.

Shortcuts like Alt+T, Alt+P,Alt+G, Alt+A, Alt+M for editor, preview, graph, fields and metadata in column 1.

Replace Alt with Shift for column 2.
Replace Alt with Alt+Shift for column 3.

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That’s really nice. Will have to have a play with this when I’m back at my desk next year!

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I live in sweden, so I cant do ctrl+alt+backquote. To get the backtick I have to press shift and


I dont remember adding ctrl+alt+backquote as shortcut anywhere. It’s ctrl+backquote for deleting columns. I added that for ease of use, since its is close to the numbers 1,2,3. It can be changed here -My TiddlyWiki — a non-linear personal web notebook.

alt-Up and alt-Down can be used to navigate through the storyriver.

I will add more instructions if needed.

Sorry, I ment ctrl + backquoute.
Good it can be changed. :slight_smile:

All keyboard shortcuts can be changed


Put this code in the filter tab of advanced search to see all tiddlers related to keyboard shortcuts