Tiddler buttons not working with v100 of Microsoft Edge

FYI: @pmario et al, on my “Windows 11 Pro” and a new machine I can also make use of “Windows Sandbox” which needs “Windows 10 Pro +” which spins up a full OS sandbox. They are transient images.

I am happy to test as required, on different edge and other versions if asked, it would help if I am given the instructions to say use a prerelease version of edge.

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Microsoft Edge Version 101.0.1200.0 (Official build) canary (64-bit) in Windows 11 sandbox

  • the same problem is occurring.

It is “interesting” how this is occurring on edit buttons and not view or page controls.

I installed this EditButtons plugin Plugins — Utilities for TiddlyWiki and they fail to work as well.

  • I also tried to remove class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>> from one of these buttons - no change, after I found the button worked in the preview/output.

Now this is interesting

In a tiddler I edited but could not save, I transcluded the button
{{||$:/core/ui/Buttons/save}} and in the preview output it saved the tiddler OK

If I was to guess, and I am somehow the buttons do not know what the current tiddler is. But I defer to @saqimtiaz

Then I applied @saqimtiaz css and not only do the standard edit buttons work the “EditButtons plugin” buttons all work from the toolbar.

Google Chrome Chrome Version 102.0.4956.0 (Official Build) canary (64-bit)in Windows 11 sandbox

  • the same problem is NOT occurring.

I do not know how the canary versions compare, but chromes is a higher number and not experiencing the same problem. Perhaps this fix is in the channel for edge as well?

As an aside - using the wiki I patched with @saqimtiaz css on the Edge canary, still works fine on the Chrome canary.

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Post script I will keep my Sandbox running for at least another 6 hours, so if you want me to try something before I tear it down please ask.

The CSS fix can be dropped on tiddlywiki.com to restore functionality.

I didn’t forget, but it’s apparent that the information is no longer needed. However, the beta version is installed separately.

I’ve also verified the profile data is stored in separate locations in %LocalAppData%\Microsoft (on Windows). In that folder, I have Edge, Edge Beta, Edge Dev, and Edge SXS. I’ve not installed the last two and those folders are empty, but the first two have a “User Data” folder that contains, among other things, profile data.

It’d be awesome if it turned out to be an upstream thing that gets fixed without having to change TW’s code.

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If when we changed the display value to block, maybe the probleme is here.

The span.tc-keyboard (or keyboard widget) also creates a rare behaviour in Firefox when the browser draws the content area of this element. This area isn’t shown wrapping its (full) content, it is shown splitted. I can’t be able to see this behaviour with the not allowed flow (span >div) in other websites.

I can confirm, in ChromeOS 100.0.4896.44 and TW 5.1.23. Same TW file works great on my other machine where I haven’t upgraded Chrome - and now I won’t!

Wow. When I started this thread, I had no idea how important or impactful it might.

I makes me regret not being further on the bleeding edge of the browsers (like using Canary versions).

Very important. Showstopper for some (most?) people. We have you to thank.

THANK YOU. :slight_smile:

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FYI I just spun up a FireFox Nightly version 100.0a1 (2022-03-23) (64-bit) on Windows 11, first offered to Nightly channel users on March 8, 2022.

Visiting tiddlywiki.com and I can edit and close tiddlers.

ie: the aforementioned bug is not there.

Indeed, I’m also very grateful for your warning. I intend to switch back to Canary for my TW development and it’s very helpful if more of us can run these development builds for Chrome and other browsers.

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I do test with FireFox and FF-beta on Windows 11 and Ubuntu 20.04 (laptop) atm, because of my file-backups browser AddOn. … Just to be sure it works with upcoming FF versions :slight_smile:

Once Ubuntu 22.04 will be released I’ll probably update my Laptop within 1 month or 2. We’ll see, how long they need for 22.04.1 … Then I’ll stay with the ubuntu LTS for some years.

I did install Edge-beta and Edge-dev. So I’ll be able to test TW versions with Edge-stable-version +1 and +2 on Windows 11 now. I don’t intend to install Edge on ubuntu, except we manage to include a “native saver” into TW core again.

I would be happy to test Tiddlywiki on Development Builds given the speed at which I can open a (transient) Windows Sandbox. Of course if tasked to test specific functionality its quick and easy, otherwise for general and broader testing having a set of shared script’s would be helpful. It would be quite easy to create a bundle of tiddlers to install (from an internet address) that guides us through a test script that is more comprehensive.

My key platform is Windows 11 however I have android and a mac-mini available and anything I can run in a VM. The question is when is a round of testing called for and how does the community “do it once” and document it, or share details of tests not yet undertaken.

Of course if tasked to test specific functionality its quick and easy

We do sometimes have the need to test specific functionality, but here we’re concerned with getting early warning about problems in new browser versions, so there isn’t anything specific to test. Instead, what’s needed is for a significant group of us to be using bleeding edge browsers for our daily work with TiddlyWiki.

Jeremy, I may not want my key wiki’s in such environments but I can do my development play within such a browser potentially detecting problems in advance. I will look at permanent (Application) VM to do this in.

Perhaps I nominate or claim a particular prerelease platform eg FireFox/edge/Chrome Canary and others nominate another prerelease. I would be happy to do so and use as part of my work and also be contacted when someone has a concern. Perhaps just before a new tiddlywiki or my nominated browser release.

It would also be helpful to have a “shared” test script for use inside at least stand alone wikis.

Sorry for this late question.

Today I got a notification for updating Chrome/Edge. So I updated my Chrome (to Version 100.0.4896.60 (Official Build) (64-bit)) and Edge (to Version 100.0.1185.29 (Official build) (64-bit)) stable release (NOT beta).

I opened some of Tiddlywikis most are TW 5.2.1, some are TW 5.1.23.
All works fine! Buttons work in Edit Mode!

So, with discussions went here! Has the reported issue here been solved in the stable release of Chrome/Edge v100?

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Hi @Mohammad my desktop Chrome has also been updated to version 100.0.4896.60. I tried some old v5.2.1 wikis and I was also able to edit without problems.

I assume that Google pulled the change from v100 during the beta process. At least we’ll be prepared if they add the change back again!


Hi Jeremy
Thank you for the clarification!