Thoughts on Badges

This is a riff. Don’t take it seriously. My point is really about the UTILITY of badges on Discourse. IMO they are a lot of work on the back end. But for what purpose?

What would be meaningful to the community?

Just a comment


Filter-Wizard, Wikitext-Hacker, JS-Guru

that sorta thing.


I’d like to vote for:

GrandTiddler      = JeremyRuston
SeniorTiddler(s)  = EricShulman
VeteranTiddler(s) = pmario etc.
MatureTiddler(s)  = Telmiger etc.
YoungTiddler(s)   = Newbies like me

Could also use terms like RootTiddler in place of GrandTiddler, etc etc.

(I completely missed the “don’t take this seriously” bit. my bad haha)

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Heya @TiddlyTitch – do you want to take ownership with one or two other people of defining badges as a community project?

We haven’t touched any of the core badge settings in Discourse, it’s all automated, so it’s not really any work at this point.

The list is publicly browse-able here

I did some fun experiments where I created a few TiddlyWiki specific badges and granted them:

Badges can be anything we want them to be. They’re most interesting if we do think about what would be meaningful, which means someone taking the lead, documenting it, and running the project!

Strictly speaking, I think you’re sort of talking about Trust Levels and/or permissions. They only apply to Discourse and they are mostly shown as groups, which you can browse here

I think they are part of the Gamification attempt of Discourse.

In games it is common to get badges for special “achievements”. … It’s OK, if you don’t care, but there may be users that actually like it, to be reminded that they have achieved something. Even if it is the information that a post they created was liked 10, 20, 50 a 100 times. …

As I wrote at: To Admin: Why Don't Some Posts Have A Reply Button? - #14 by pmario there are some badges where I’m actually proud of. …

If someone takes the time to write a reply to a question, posts links to related topics or other pages,
with the intention to help other users, I think – No – I know, that it feels good if you see, after some time, that it actually made a difference. …

Not only for the user who posted the question, but for others too, that liked your reply or followed your links.

As Boris pointed out, there is an overview, about the existing Badges and what they mean. I’m sure there is room for improvement, if we want to invest the time.

The existing Badges “come for free” and I’m sure that for some users they will actually will mean something after some time.

just my thoughts.


@pmario thanks for your considered opinion! On this point I agree with you!

@boris & @pmario, TBH I’m likely slightly “fouling-the-footpath” in that neither of my two recent queries realised there are “badges” & “statuses”. I should have distinguished them, I didn’t. I’ll look more and comment later.

Best, TT

@boris, thanks for your attempt to clarify my mind. Most welcome. Those TW badges do make sense to me!

Just, FYI, I do like the idea of “The Golden Smurf Award” for Outstanding Innovation …

Best, TT

I still have the “real” TiddlyWiki Badge, that we got from Jeremy at the first TW Meetup. The 1€ coin is only there to have a size reference. :slight_smile:


Idea: Sell those as TW5 swag and raise money for development.


As a new Tiddlator, I support this idea so I can have cool, physical TW-related objects.


That’s awesome! I want!

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Tiddlers on the Faroe Islands … only 1,200 Thingies to you …


Best wishes, TT

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Here is an update to 2 Euro …


If ONLY Brexit never happened already…


How about just the NFT? :wink:


I agree, the UK National Film Theatre is excellent … National Film Theatre | BFI


As an ex-Banker, I don’t think the National Film Theater is fungible. But them, I’m STEM and definetly not ARTS. :slight_smile:


Who is “fungible” these days? Well you were well-on the trend. The fungible lingo has been
well fungible in recent years …

TT, x

3 posts were split to a new topic: Can you follow individual people in Discourse?