Dear Admin,
It is VERY confusing I CAN reply to BTC …
But I can’t reply to David Gifford …
What is that milarky about?
Best wishes
Dear Admin,
It is VERY confusing I CAN reply to BTC …
But I can’t reply to David Gifford …
What is that milarky about?
Best wishes
Did you try to refresh the page?
Just to be sure: Discussions in the GoogleGroup are read only. Mainly for GG side technical reasons
I did move this thread to the “Meta category” which is about how we can improve the site itself
@pmario [quote=“pmario, post:2, topic:212”]
Mainly for GG side technical reasons
OK. That would be it! Now I understand.
HOWEVER, that itself, unfortunately, “throws a spanner in the the works” of transition in that one is greeted with ARBITRARY differences between posts.
It IS confusing!
Josiah, x
Yea, that’s one reason, why we should try to make the transition fast. … But we are all learning here
@pmario Good. End.
EXCEPT Discourse tells me my post has to be AT LEAST TWENTY CHARACTERS.
What happened to BRIEF replies?
I’m semi-serious!
Best wishes
hihihi … I did fall into this trap myself already. But we have emojis for +1
… So we should use them to express emotions.
@pmario Right in the ONE sense of GG old posts are merely READ-ONLY. Wrong in the OTHER sense that there is no way we should do Discourse because of that.
Discourse needs to be evaluated, for us, I think, on its EASE OF USE for NEW USERS. Is it easy or a PITA?
I think there is some way to go yet.
I’m not inclined to expediency on it yet.
Best wishes
I think we wouldn’t have moved, if the last change of GG wouldn’t have crippled the system.
We are not able to add code blocks anymore. … That’s easy here: Even with some syntax highlighting …
<div class="something" >
<$list filter="[tag[test]]"><<currentTiddler>></$list>
GG has never been able to write inline-code like this: some words
that are shown as code.
Images can be easily added with drag & drop … This was broken in latest GG
GG has no working mobile UI atm. … Have a look at with your phone. There will be a big difference. It actually works for me now. …
One important point is: Your posts will be editable. … So it will be possible to fix typos. I really hated it to remove a post, just to fix some typos that made me look stupid.
Discourse UI is highly modifiable with themes. … So we will have the chance to modify that. But for sure that can’t be instant.
@pmario that is STUPID IMO. Using an emoji to fill character needs. It is exactly what is WRONG.
I want to write…
This is my concern with DISCOURSE, that it is full of arbitrary rules & procedures that are CONFUSING.
How SERIOUS this issue is, of course, for debate, not MY chagrin specifically.
Best wishes
I think we wouldn’t have moved, if the last change of GG wouldn’t have crippled the system.
Whilst I AGREE the GG is a heap of manure in its latest, is it really the case we HAVE MOVED? I would hope that Discourse over Discourse will NOT be PEREMPTORY (deciding for “us” before we have decided).
Best wishes
I think there is a second reason too. Discourse evaluates all kind of “engagement” data, to be able to decide if users can “level up”. …
I know from your other post: Discourse on Discourse: The transition period should be long that you don’t like those levels. …
But I think we have to have more than 2 moderators, if we want to grow the community. … At GG Jeremy and Eric where the only 2 moderators I know of, that could make posts sticky.
IMO it should be different here. … Users should have the chance to become moderators and admins over time, if they want to. … I’m pretty sure that several active users in the GG would have wanted more rights, if it wouldn’t have been a “all or nothing” setting.
Think back about the discussion about “tags”. It’s easy to set new tags here, after some time, when you have “earned” enough trust, to do so. …
You are right. At the beginning it will be more work for the admins to manually “level up” users on request, if we already know them from the GG or as contributors from Github.
Why not? … I think there is nothing wrong if users “collect some badges” just because they want to have them … I’m sure it improves the quality of the content.
I was happy as I got my first “Popular Link” badge in the Docker forum; >50 clicks on a link from someone else … not me I have 31 of them. I was actively posting there from mid 2016 to 2018.
I have 18 “Hot Links” with more than 300 clicks. … Together with 1400 others that have that badge. The group has about 15000 users. So it’s top 10%
I have 12 “Famous Links” > 1000 clicks with only 508 others … 1 Link has 10200 clicks in a topic that has ~24000 views … top 4%
So in conclusion more than 30% of my popular links are really “hot” … I like that and I like to know that
Then could the imported posts from GG include a link back to the GG topic?
I don’t know. But I did create a new post:
@pmario You know I love you and want to have your babies
I don’t mind AWARDS/BADGES/CLICKOLOGY if you like that kind of thing. Basically its about getting “>” for its own sake, well-done. I just have a saké and wallow in low rates with joy.
What I am less keen about is the HIERARCHY OF RIGHTS Discourse defaults to (see: Boris on the hierarchy of rights ) on beginning. I think it totally INappropriate for our GG Transfer use case.
You are an ADMIN so maybe you not fully seeing the HOOPS users face?
Best wishes
Long post warning.
I don’t mind AWARDS/BADGES/CLICKOLOGY if you like that kind of thing. Basically its about getting “>” for its own sake, well-done. I just have a saké and wallow in low rates with joy.
I think it’s not only for the “sake of it”. Since TW is open source and not heavily “tracked by us” we know very little about our community.
We probably only get feedback from the “communicative” 10% or may be 20%. The rest is silently reading the posts and follow the links. … BUT we know nothing.
I’m pretty sure that google knows everything about the TiddlyWiki community just because they control GG and measure everything. Every click on a link is redirected through their database and connected to the user who clicks. it. On the way out it also pollutes the browser history with links only good for google and nobody else.
Discourse links
Machine links
Guess what I do like more
An other difference is, that they don’t share any of their metrics with us. Discourse makes it visible for every user.
IMO we need this info. Everyone of us needs this info. … When I reply to a post, I do hope that the content transmitted is somewhat useful for the original author of the post. It should also be useful if someone else searches for a similar problem - but I will never know.
Many users don’t reply to a post that helped them out. … Most of them are silently gone without any feedback.
But – If a link is successful and clicked many times, discourse sends me as an author the info, that I did create something that was clicked 50, 300 or a 1000 times. So I do get a little bit of feedback. There is a UI, which actually allows me to go back to the posts that I have long forgotten. …
What I am less keen about is the HIERARCHY OF RIGHTS Discourse defaults to (see: Boris on the hierarchy of rights ) on beginning. I think it totally INappropriate for our GG Transfer use case.
As Boris wrote in the other thread it’s one measure to deal with spam. … With GG we “stood on the shoulders of a giant” that managed this problem for us, in the background, so we didn’t even realise it. … @EricShulman
May be you don’t remember it. Your first posts at GG also went through a moderation phase. Probably a short one, because it was “human time” that was needed to moderate the posts. …
With discourse this mechanism is “auto moderated”. I think they way it is done isn’t too bad. …
You are an ADMIN so maybe you not fully seeing the HOOPS users face?
OUCH. … I think I know where this comes from. … Did you want to choose a username that was blocked. ???
That’s probably my fault too … I did set a filter, that all usernames that start with
are reserved, to avoid abuse. They can only be taken by request.
We should probably note that somewhere in a “sticky post”. … That’s my bad.