The Worst Feature of Tiddlywiki

Yes because you can lean on the community to help, just do your best to give us the info we need, such as clear requirements, links to plugins your using, attach tiddlers that work on we can debug etc…

The Scripts in Tiddlywiki — codes, macros, and solutions in TW ( is also a good source of tips and tricks.
You can browse by keywords, author, … and you can learn some basics on how wikitext scripting works

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A post was split to a new topic: Ex-pat or immigrant?

I struggle here, I use Tiddlywiki in my research, huge Tiddler, thousands of massively connected Tiddlers, my brain and memory simply would not allow me to make the connections I am able to make with Tiddlywiki - when I think how I might try and do this any other way I just feel eternally grateful that Tiddlywiki is there - the last two years of intensive research by any other means would have taken many more years and I doubt I would have ended up in the same place. The term “Worst feature” does not really resonate with me in the same way that Robinson Crusoe who has just been picked up off a lashed together bamboo raft by a passing ship would probably not mention the chipped paint work. :star_struck:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: How to Use Tiddlywiki Effectively (I am an average enduser)

Would it be possible to have an easy programming language like: basic, powershell, maybe python, js or even imba for tiddlywiki? Has anyone ever thought of this idea?

Search for the basic anywhere machine of @Charlie_Veniot, although I expect you are thinking of a deeper integration.

  • I was an advanced basic coder, but there is little I cant do without TiddlyWiki core features.
  • In some ways tiddlywiki is a higher level language than many allowing a higher level of productivity for example list and set handling from which many things can be built are driven by mature file system.

Other Programming language’s

  • Any language used in tiddlywiki is going to need to participate within its unique engine that keeps everything up to date.
    • Javascript is already available but must be used within these design consideration’s
  • If you want this given a deeper consideration try raising it in the Developers - Talk TW category
  1. Hi! This site has good information about Tiddlywiki. I would like to translate this site into 3 languages: pt, pt-br, es(Spanish):
  2. Another idea would be to add this documentation as a step-by-step guide for the user to learn how to use tiddlywiki link here: a-summary-of-tiddlywikis-popup-mechanism/139 or popmap-popup-editor or demo clutterstack-tw-notes or demo tid-li-tw5-hacks or demo popmap as
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