very nice flexibility, which is why i use it. and im very glad it exists.
the people on these forums i’ve noticed are actually competent to some level in programming. but its far from perfect solution for me (and people like me). to start - its supre geeky. its the linux of note taking things. i spend more time fighting with it than doing work. things so simple in other programs need an undeciphrable code here. not good for students imo - have to learn 2 things together. airtables / notion just work. documentation is super complicated - it presumes alot of information. at this point - its programming. i find scratch (the kids programming thing) easier.
plugins make it actually usable - but then that bloats the size. which slows it down. then it cant be used much for actually large data. it needs a high powered / ram machine to run well at that point - else it slowness only adds to frustration.
i like that the program and file are able to merge in one. but i also love seperate files like common programs. each time a plugin is updated i have to update XXX number of wiki’s. its so high maintenance.
also becuase each new ‘dataset’ needs its own program/file, and becuase i must install a huge set of plugins for every wiki just to make it usable, thats SO MUCH disk space for so little actual data. not even counting all the required backups which are absolutely mandatory with TW.
importing media is a pain too. so are the filter/searches + the current tiddler reference - both of which are important to make it flexible. i just learned ive been using view templates all wrong (and i still dont know the correct way) - which explains why alot of my things are so half functioning.
some tw examples are really nice. thats what i had WANTED to be able to do to my data when i started. but now i think that that flexibiltiy is somewhat illusionary. to me its like a person who shows someone a computer for the first time, and then a computer game. and the naive person thinks that they can -so very easily - make a game. this naive person doesn’t know the most he’ll be able to create with reasonable effort is a notepad document and a ms-paint image.
after all the effort, most of what i learned to do, i could already do with regular database programs for much much much less effort and stress.
still, it offers flexibility when i need it. so generally i resort to other tools, and if data really needs this, i turn here.