Hello, everyone!
The subject has certainly been discussed a hundred times - just not by me. So I just want to get rid of it at this point.
Even if CamelCases sometimes offer a helpful alternative, I avoid them mostly. For me, automatic linking has repeatedly led to undesirable effects in the past. These are not only caused by unwanted links that are superfluous in their repetition and that disrupted the flow of reading due to their constant color changes.
If I still use CamelCases every now and then for speaking names (they are ideally suited for this), then also to forego further explanations. In my wikis with automatic linking, such links often refer to a non-existent tiddler, which means that they are even emphasized in the typeface, as the font style changes as well as the color.
Of course, it is possible to work around all of these problems by adding a tilde. But this is an mental interruption by editing and leads to irritations in my flow of thoughts. While the conscious setting of brackets clearly identifies the link in WikiText as well as in my own flow of thoughts and highlights it as essential, CamelCase words remain largely inconspicuous without their color highlighting. Setting the tilde, on the other hand, draws attention to those potential connecting points that are considered less important for the further train of thought (otherwise the link would be desirable). Therefore I have decided to turn off automatic linking in several wikis.
Unfortunately, this not only leads to problems with the import of tiddlers from other wikis if automatic linking is activated for them. Such an import may be associated with work, but if the number is not too large, these tiddlers can also be adjusted by hand if necessary (add brackets and remove tildes). The real problem here are the shadow and system tiddlers! If I overwrite them, they can’t be updated automatically any more.
I don’t want to claim that it would be better to forego CamelCases as a matter of principle, or to switch them off by default. However, it would be helpful if CamelCases were noted in brackets like other links in all shadow and system tiddlers. It would also be better to suppress the tilde display always when rendering CamelCases, regardless of the setting whether CamelCase links are activated or not (which would require a change in the core, right?). I don’t see any need to show them while linking is off.
Best regards,