The forum software doesn't accept double exclamations in heading

Attempting to type e.g {{!!title}} as part of thread heading, automatically strips off an exclamation mark so it becomes {{!title}}

Considering the significance of !! in TW, I think it would be better if it is possible to disable this trimming.

I would assume this also affects search results, i.e a search for !! will not match a heading with only !.


Discourse is not TiddlyWiki. We don’t control it.

There probably is a reason, why they do strip titles that way. It may cause a problem with the underlaying database or any other functsions, for the very same reasons why we have problems with ]] in tiddler titles.

Hm, that was my assumption when I joined the forum but I’ve been positively surprised to see how some tweaks have been made after requests so I thought it would be worth a try to make this request. But OK, thanks for replying.