The banner designer should be acknowledged in the "What's new" section

Acknowledgements should go towards all people who contributed their time and skills to the community. Banner designers did just that.

IMO, the way to do it should be

[img[New Release Banner]]
The banner for this edition of Tiddlywiki was designed by [ext[Author|Link to author’s github or twitter or blog]]. You can find other entries towards this edition’s banner at [ext[Google groups|link to the banner competition thread for the edition]].


Thanks @anon9140225 that’s an excellent idea. We can add the acknowledgement retrospectively, and with a bit of work each one can permalink to the artwork in the GitHub history.


If you can show us 1 example as to how its final form should be and how to do it, I guess many (count me in) will chip in to do the grunt work!


Thanks @anon9140225 much appreciated. I’ll add the note for v5.2.1 and ping you.

Just to add links to the commits that resulted from this discussion: