The Backrooms Wiki

Hello, I want to make a backroom wiki project here, but I need help to do it
If anyone is interested, please call me :slight_smile:

Perhaps there is some implied meaning with the word “backrooms” but it is not at all clear what you are asking, so you may not get many, or any, replies unless you expand on this a little more. :nerd_face:

Well, just do a search on the wikis
because I don’t think I can show links to other wikis to give an example :confused:

But where, internet, or focused Google Groups or talk.tiddlwiki?

Even with this result, I dont know what you want The Backrooms - Wikipedia

No…it’s wikis where you can create your level, entity, etc…
( For example, the one from wikidot)

I still have no idea, although I can speculate, but perhaps I am not your target audience?

  • Or are you just inviting content?
  • I leave it to you to decide if you want “spell it out” a little more and as a result get more replies.

Well, I’m asking for help to make the wiki, because I can’t do it alone

well, I’ll give you an example of a wiki, the /The Backrooms Wiki - The Backrooms

you looking to turn that site into a tiddlywiki? looking for more content? additions to that one? a new wiki on a different topic?

Just for context for everyone,

The backrooms is a series of community stories regarding a sort of ‘out of bounds’ developer area of the real world, like the out of bounds of a videogame.

the premise is, if you aren’t careful, you could find a weak point in reality, like a missing mesh of a videogame, and ‘clip’ through the world and into the backrooms.

it’s very fun to read, one of my favorites along with the SCP foundation, the mystery flesh pit national park, and so on.

I imagine OP is wanting to create a wiki dedicated to users submitting backroom levels (like levels of a videogame or levels of a multistory building), journal entries of users in the backrooms, and creating a compendium of creatures found on each level, that sound about right, @Thales ?

There was a nice article on kokatu gaming website I think not too long ago. I’ll try and remember to dig it out when I have a non blocked Internet connection.

Here we are

Yes, I want to make a backrooms wiki here at tiddlywiki.

exactly, I want to create a wiki here.

okay. i’ve read/listened to a bunch of SCP material. i wasn’t familiar with the backrooms framework. and will now have to lose an evening or two snooping into it.

Theres a few good ones, personally I recommend the youtube series by kane pixels

Very well made.

But to stay on topic,

What you’ll probably need to do is aquire a domain to host your site, I would recommend, and from there, you’ll need a way for visitors to submit content, maybe emailing tiddlers? Not sure.

You could look into making buttons that have a tiddler as a template, and that template tiddler match the design you have in mind for things like journal entries, floor outlines, or something I played with once upon a time, making dossier on creatures, like with SCP’s (Security Containment Protocols; the documents not the creatures which are also called SCPs)

Once the template tiddler is filled out by the visitor, they can export it, email it, and then you or whoever you trust to do so, can rate it, and see if you want to upload it to the site. having guidelines can prevent poor quality content from filling up stuff.
SCP Foundation has good documentation of how to judge a work as acceptable if you wanna give that a read.

from there its mainly just designing the look and feel of the wiki itself, which is just a bit of CSS work, somewhat tedious but not too too hard. You can use Chat GPT to make grid layouts that you can customize to save yourself some time.

I recommend always using noncopyright material when doing stuff like this, otherwise you’ll run into an issue that the creators of SCP 173 did, when the artist to the picture taken for SCP 173, Peanut, did not like the article online getting more attention than his own artwork.

well, people who want to make their article, can send the tiddler through the discord that I will do (or through the forum of the site if there is a way to do it), but I need help to make the site and the css.

A community discords a good call too.

As far as getting help with that, your best bet is to learn the basics of tiddlywiki by downloading a blank copy, read through the site and tiddlygrok, and once you have that the basics down, reach out to the community and see if anyone would be willing to help with it, either voluntarily or through a bounty.

Id offer but at the moment I’m a bit too busy to work even on my own projects.

Until you’re able to find someone to help, you can always work on it piece by piece over time. Something like this is a bigger project, and will take some time to get up and running, so patience is a virtue.

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I recommend downloading a copy of either the empty edition of TW or another edition of your choice (you can find examples under the Community Editions tab here, and there are more showcased here on the forum). Sign up on Tiddlyhost as per @Justin_H’s advice, or use one of the other saving options—I recommend Timimi—if you’d like to experiment with a local file before putting anything online. Then start playing around with it yourself, and figure out what you’re looking for and what specific questions you have.

You can get excellent help (sometimes from the developers themselves!) either here or on the TW Discord, but it’s difficult to “help with the site” when no one else knows what exactly you’re envisioning. And unless you’re able to pay a developer or find someone equally interested in doing this as a hobby, you’ll probably need to get familiar with the workings of the wiki yourself.

Once you’ve done some of your own experimenting, feel free to ask about specific roadblocks you run into!

@Thales thanks to the others I now see what you are looking for. It is not common for someone to come to the forum and raise an unusual subject, one that is about the content that you want to place in a TiddlyWiki rather than asking how to do something.

Of course the community can help you identify the key things you want to do an assist in finding ways to implement it, some members of the community may also jump on board out of interest for your subject.

  • As mentioned look at the discord discussions because a lot of TiddlyWiki enthusiasts there are building wikis for game worlds which may map nicely to your project.

As a very active participant here all I ask is you do your best to learn TiddlyWiki as you go so that your detailed questions are clear and uncomplicated where possible. We are after all, volunteers and you are asking for our time. Where possible please;

  • Share working examples
    • if possible simple examples that show the problem without including the full story. In preparing such examples you will often find your own answer.
  • Illustrate with examples, links or images with explanations but not too verbose
  • Put effort into clear questions, to get clear answers but so that it is easier to help you.

On the content relating to backrooms,

  • It seems like an “interesting” subject, and I recall similar experiences in the bowels of my university or late at night as a computer operator.
  • Such places inspired a number of book ideas I had when I was younger.
  • There is a risk that this dovetails with insane conspiracy theories.

Hmm, anyone interested? I think it will be difficult to find someone who wants to help me program …

Many of will help you program parts, as and when you present questions we understand.

  • I suggest starting with smaller wikis

Fewer will join you in designing a particular wiki, after all it is your “baby”. I suggest outlining what you would like to do and see if anyone is interested.