The AI overlords are coming

I don’t know if anyone has seen the latest from Google

It’s quietly terrifying/ amazing. Feed it a couple of pdf’s press the button and five mins later two people will discuss and explain in a podcast style.
When you press the interactive button and ask a question is when my jaw really hit the floor…

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This redirects to the Google login page. Aside from my aversion towards sites that pull this stunt and try to force me to log in, it also made me grin and remember A phishing attack involving, Google's URL shortener | Hacker News

I promise it’s not a phishing trick!

After logging in, I get redirected to Google NotebookLM | Note Taking & Research Assistant Powered by AI and I only see the overview page, no option to use it or upload any files. Now I feel like a victim of digital discrimination by location :laughing:

Should I conclude that my paranoid opsec awareness was justified? Ultimately, Google successfully baited me into logging in, without delivering anything. And I wasn’t warned about the outcome before logging in.

Right. I use a G. Workgroup account. It is built in.

IMO it is par for the course of now.

The vast, quick, expansion of AI in zillions of modalities is obviously exceptional and potentially indeterminately dangerous or not.

I do think TW can be, and is being, used as a good front-end to somehow better cope with the AI Leviathan.

My tuppence
J, x

It’s a pretty neat tool :slight_smile: mostly the podcast feature, the other stuff is very standard at this point, but it’s clear google has put work into that.

I really enjoy feeding it large blocks of code and listening to the hosts talk through it :slightly_smiling_face: