Test styles like this... maybe?

'dis a weird one. Don’t try to figure it out by just reading this post (you’ll fail), instead copy-paste this into a tiddler:

Directly edit this, e.g change "black" into "red":

<style contenteditable>
  p {
    color: black;

No JavaScript, the `<style>` tag is set to `display: block` and using `contenteditable`

style[contenteditable] {
  display: block;
  background-color: #eee;
  padding: 20px;
  font-family: monospace;


Maybe it is useful for testing styles? Changing the value (as instructed in the text) does not change the actual tiddler content, so the modifications are not stored.


That is fascinating! I’m not sure I have a practical use, but it sure is fun to play with. Also fun is the linked pen: https://codepen.io/jak_e/pen/PwLXXP.

Thanks @twMat !

Woa! This is nice - I can test color changes without going through the usual process - (I have a dark-ish) background - and it shows me what will and what won’t work (not to mention I am forced to learn more colors than the usual red, green, blue,…) :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: !

I am so amazed at what can be done in TiddlyWiki - - ,…

(I am more of a consumer - - I spend about 99% of my time just using tiddlyWIki and less than 1% “designing” it - - but recently decided to delve - just a little - into the inner workings - like searches, dictionaries, etc - and boy - this is great!)

Thanks Again - for consumers like me - this is Huge!
