Template and temp tiddlers

Apparently, I can’t use transclusion within the text of a tiddler in $:/temp/’ be it or regular transclusion or a template transclusion.

To be clear, say the whole text of the tiddler is {{||$:/user/myapp/models/powTemplate}} for the $:/temp/myapp/td4257 tiddler (of tw5 type) the thing is the source code {{||$:/user/myapp/models/powTemplate}} is shown instead of executing the transclusion. If $:/temp/myapp/td4257 is renamed $:/temp-myapp/td4257` the transclusion is done (but it is no more a temporary tiddler).

Any solution ?

BTW, I’d like to change the title of that tiddler on display because its name is just rubish and of no use for the user while I can make a real interesting title on the run.


The default View Template Body cascade renders all temp tiddlers as code. You will need to add a custom cascade rule for your temp tiddlers.


@saqimtiaz Thank you! I’m digging that. This is indeed quite a good occasion to dive at cascade (like a champion) !