Telegram edits with Github saver (and Github pages)

Hi all,

I’m dreaming of being able to add to a to-do list within a tiddler just by texting the item to add to a telegram bot. I’m saving my tiddlywiki using this Github saver GitHub Saver — publishing with Tiddlywiki 5 and hosting it using the associated Github pages recommendations here GitHub - kookma/Tiddlywiki-and-GitHub-Pages: Create website with Tiddlywiki and GitHub pages. (Thank you, Mohammad for these fantastic tools!) Can anyone give me some pointers as to where to start/ what tools to use? I assume this will involve having the telegram bot pull the index.html from github, find the line after which to add the text, and then push the saved index.html. Has anyone had experience doing something similar? If you happen to have time, @Mohammad, could you weigh in on how the authentication method you used in your github saver might transfer to my telegram project?

(For context, I’m still a relatively new programmer but definitely interested in learning new tools and techniques. I’ve previously built a working telegram bot in python that sends items to a google spreadsheet.)

All advice would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!

Hi Noa,
Welcome to the community! I am happy to hear you found kookma tools and plugins useful.
What is explained here (GitHub Saver — publishing with Tiddlywiki 5 ( is saving a single file HTML, which I don’t recommend for your case, specially if your TiddlyWiki is a large one (many notes, images, etc.)
There are simpler ways to submit only a note (a tiddler file) and then using GitHub action to generate the webpage (the TiddlyWiki from those tiddlers).

The idea is great! a telegram bot to communicate with tiddlywiki write/read tiddlers!
I am not of much help here, but there are experienced people in the community who will help you!

TiddlyWiki has a very helpful and friendly community, so take it easy and ask your questions.

Good luck

Thanks so much for the reply!

Do you have any templates or examples of the single tiddler and github action workflow? That sounds like something I should have switched to years ago!

I use Travis, but I have seen many members here using GitHub actions which is a simpler approach.

Hey Noa,
i have a simple version of this, using the nodejs version of tiddlywiki, and in node red i created a simple functions that receives the telegram message and over HTTP request created a new tiddler.
I have also some extra functionality if the message contains a YouTube URL i will add some extra info, like the thumbnail image in the tiddler text

i have a public repo for the node red


This sounds great! But the link takes me to a 404 page not found…?

@David_Beijinho Just bumping this up when you get the chance to send a link that does go to 404. Thanks!

Thank you! I’ve been looking for a simple example/explanation of saving single tiddlers with GitHub actions and haven’t found anything. Would you mind letting me know who you’re thinking of who uses this who I might be able to ask for advice?

@Mohammad @David_Beijinho Sorry to bother you both, but when you get a chance, I’d really appreciate your help with this. (Just bumping this up in case it got lost) Thanks!

Hi Noa,
Unfortunately I cannot be of much help, but David has developed a simple version of this

I hope he can help you!

thank you! Unfortunately, I’m still getting a 404 error for that link. Is that just me – has anyone else successfully opened it ?

Hi there, Look’s like the repository is not available even after logging in

I can not find the repository on the wayback machine, so maybe it is a private repository?

Thanks for confirming! That’s my thought as well.

Sorry for the delay.
@Newbie you where right , i had it as private repo, so i create a new one public, here is the url David Beijinho / nomada-node-red · GitLab


Thank you so much!

To anyone looking to continue the conversation, I think this discussion is moving to Telegram bot for tiddlywiki - #12 by noa