Teaching Tiddlywiki to Interactive Media & Game Design Students

This would be exactly my use case.

Thank you @telumire, what is needed next is a css animation for dealing out and recollecting the cards immersively.
And a way to show the back of the card related to the front which can be configured to various filtered and shuffled inputs tiddlers, dictionaries…

Here’s a tarot card adaptation: Point and click — a demo of image map & alternatives

You can place any design you like on the back of the card; here I chose a CSS pattern. I’ll try to replicate the Cards Against Humanity cards style, but I’m not sure how :sweat_smile:

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Here’s another style of “game” (it’s a webcomic first, but there are games in there too and the story is a branching narrative) you can easily make in tiddlywiki: Homestuck Official | Webcomics by Andrew Hussie. More challenging but doable : BBC Radio 4 - The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy - The Game - 30th Anniversary Edition

Since this post was originally about sharing the discovery of gaming-oriented TiddlyWiki, to avoid flooding this thread and hopefully bring back a bit of interest to that topic, I’ve created another thread to discuss the challenges and potential solutions to creating games within TiddlyWiki: Creating games with tiddlywiki

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Check out this game made in tiddlywiki by CJ Veniot ! TiddlyWiki Programming Fundamentals — (neocities.org)

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Hello, I have been working using the Tiddler Grid you’ve linked. It has some cool functionality that I wanted to explore, the only issue I have had no luck with some of the features, mainly the ability to move items within the grid. Here’s the link → https://sunypoly-fitzgeo-games.tiddlyhost.com/ I would like to have the red puvks move spots, and the way I have it set up it should do that (according to the original documentation). If anyone has seen this issue, and knows of why it doesn’t work that’d be helpful.