After finding that TiddyPWA solves some of my main pain points I am looking into Tiddlywiki again. One thing that is not clear to me is how to collect open tasks from across different tiddlers in a single view. I am coming from org-mode where agenda view scans all org-mode files looking for TODO items and lists them according to criteria I can define.
In Tiddlywiki I know that this could in principle be done but only as long as each task is its own tiddler. I find this very “heavy” and expect to litter my wiki with tiddlers saying “buy spare bicycle tube” that are never going to be reused or transcluded anywhere else so making them their own tiddlers will only add noise to upcoming searches.
Is there a way to denote a task that is not a tiddler but can still carry some metadata such as project name or due date?