I think what I have seen of these supertags is quite elegant, but its not something difficult to replicate in tiddlywiki, we just need the dialogue to appear to the right to handle any defined features. With tiddlywiki you could also have supertags operate from another tag like field rather than overuse the tag field. Using a view template that responds to a tag by looking up information stored in the corresponding tag tiddler (or a system equivalent) would allow details defining the properties eg additional fields, associated with the tag to be found.
Whilst you could replicate the behaviour of super tags and extend it even further in tiddlywiki, you can introduce even more features. This may in some ways be why we don’t have supertags (yet), because supper tags are merely a small subset of what you can build using the same methods.
My “reimagine tags” package I have shared a number of times, adds a range of features to the tag drop down. In one case new tiddlers can be created based on a template assigned to that tag, from the tag dropdown.
As I stated above “we just need the dialogue to appear to the right to handle any defined features”, tiddlywiki needs a page or tiddler element or popup/modal, in which to build such features. Its a need for the user interface element, to approach the examples given on the Tana Videos, that is a minor, solvable gap I can see.
I have seen opportunities like this in the past, but they would benefit from becoming an optional standard, even if delivered by plugin, so the community can build on and share the same mechanism.
I have recently being building some alternative uses of the preview pain in Edit mode, but have also considered being able to divide the current tiddler view template to display, on wide screen desktops, an additional vertical or horizontal pane within the tiddler, that could be used to “host” the dialogue needed to manage a “supertag” dialogue and more in a tiddler.
Of course the cascade features would make this easy with an alternative View Template Body, but unless it is a de facto standard, once again it would be a bespoke solution and unlikely to get any momentum.