$:/tags/RawMarkup vs $:/tags/RawMarkupWikified

I have a tiddler tagged with $:/tags/RawMarkup working fine. But it can’t have any wikitext in it so it can’t be dynamic in any way. I learned about another tag named $:/tags/RawMarkupWikified that seems like it is supposed to do the same as $:/tags/RawMarkup only it lets you add wiki text to it. I cannot make it work though.

It always strips the tags out of whatever is in the tiddler, and doesn’t place the resulting text in the head section like $:/tags/RawMarkup does. Is there a trick to making this work?

If you look at the implementation of a splash screen, because there is no wikification at that point in the load the splash screen is prepared as HTML. Perhaps Creating a splash screen will give you some more information.

Otherwise, consider explaining the outcome you are after, what dynamic info are you after? etc…

Hi @belmont224 $:/tags/RawMarkupWikified tiddlers are rendered to HTML by taking the plain text content of the output and splicing it directly into the HTML file.

That means that to get an HTML tag in the output you need to write it in plain text, typically using the backtick symbol. For example:


This rendering technique is used extensively in the core. It allows us to use wikitext widgets like the list widget to generate output, without those widgets themselves appearing in the output. The splash screen included on tiddlywiki.com is a good example.

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Thank you. That is exactly what I needed. Everything seems to work now.

And thank you for Tiddlywiki! I’ve tried many other things but always come back to it. I appreciate all your hard work on it.

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