Table of Contents for Section Editor Plugin

Alas hitting my now defined Pagedown-Key I get a js-error.

TypeError: widget.list is undefined

Hmm. That’s bizarre. Can you show your code?

Also, I know that either you or the original Krystal author had assigned keys, so maybe there is some conflict? I tested with a simple TW file with only my plugin and the section plugin. I don’t know how extensive the changes Krystal makes, but there must be quite a bit.

Well - it is a TW 5.2.2 perhaps that is why here are the tiddlers:SlidexhowNavigation.json (2.2 KB)

But for now it is goodnight for me.

…and here’s the demo-wiki: Krystal — an experiment with a horizontal story

I think there are at least two, and maybe 3 competing navigation systems here?? Like when I tried to disable the top-tiddler plugin, I wasn’t able to navigate at all! Need to know what, if any tiddlers the navigation systems are using for storylist and history. If they’re doing their own thing with javascript, then there’s not much hope for simple navigation.

Editing a leaf right in the TOC :

  • Dynamic TOC similar to tags TOC
  • Ability to navigate to sections from TOC
  • Ability to open/close section from TOC
    • Open/close button shows open/closed status via open/close eyed
  • Ability to view and edit section leaf at the TOC. (Branches can’t be edited).
  • Ability to open/close all sections
  • Ability to hide all closed sections
  • Included macro for saving closed state
  • Use tag-style TOC whenever field se-toc-type (in addition to original field se-type.)

Note: If you want to edit leaves, you have to uncheck “hide closed sections.”

Make backups. Read the docs – there are two extra steps you have to do now to activate the code.

plugin_marks_SectionTOC_v0.0.5.json (28.2 KB)