Tabla cargar colores en Celda

Hice una tabla usando | nombre | datos|
Quiero que la celda nombre pueda agregar Color. Cómo se hace ?

If you only need to use one background color, you can override the default th element styles, like this:

<style> .myTable th { background:red; font-weight:normal; } </style>

|! name | data|


  • The CSS definition for .mytable th { ... } sets the color and font-weight for a th table element.
  • The first line of the table – |myTable|k – assigns the myTable class to the entire table. Note that this does not actually create a table row… it is just used to set the class name.
  • The leading ! at the start of the “name” cell changes that cell from a td element to a th element, which causes it to use the CSS attributes previously defined in the <style>...</style>
