Sync tiddlywiki configured by node.js between windows and android

There are lots of images in my tiddlywiki. So I use tiddlywiki configured by node.js on Windows 10. Now I would like to use tiddlywiki on my Android phone. I installed Tremux with node.js and can run a test tiddlywiki.

How should I sync tiddlywiki between windows and android?

I suggest you use Syncthing, with SyncTrayzor for Windows.


Thanks. @tw-FRed it is working for me now, but the changes are not auto refreshed. A restart of tiddlywiki app is required.

I remember a question about how to monitor the changes of tiddlers folders and restart node.js app in google groups or this website. But I cannot find the answer now.

My question is how to restart tiddlywiki through monitoring file changes in the tiddlywiki folder.

Hi, I asked this before, and I made a plugin to solve this:

tw-mobile-sync plugin, sync between nodejs and tiddloid.

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Oh, you are using nodejs on both side? Then I would recommend using git to sync to github between two client, you can use Github Desktop on win, and use on the android.

Manual syncing is way too much of a hassle in the workflow, no matter if it’s nodeJS or not, even if it’s a one click sync. What if you forget it once? The best solution would be to use the same instance from the cloud, both from mobile and from desktop.
You need an internet connection, but nowadays that’s not an issue.

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